
Data wpisu:

Be Excited

Album, Październik 2007, Funtime Records

This Is A Standoff : Be Excited


1. Better Than All of Us
2. You Won't Pass
3. Where I Can't Be Heart
4. An Admission
5. There's a Little Lemoncello in Everyone
6. Silvio
7. Underwater
8. Climb the Ladder
9. Fashion Faux Pas
10. Affliction
11. My Baby Makes Me Watch the Notebook
12. Dream Beater

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Be Disappointed

Album, 31 Marzec 2009, Funtime Records

This Is A Standoff : Be Disappointed


1. The Light Is Still on in Broadmoor
2. Everything We Take
3. Graveyards
4. Days Go By
5. Can't Take Them All
6. Sunrise
7. Face the Sun
8. Five More Minutes
9. This Song Is Recycled
10. Go With Me
11. No Thanks
12. Settling the Score
13. Trails of White

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Be Delighted

EP, 01 Wrzesień 2011, Effervescence Records

This Is A Standoff : Be Delighted


1. We're Really Doing It
2. The Enlightened One
3. Head in the Sand
4. See You at the Bottom
5. Vanadian

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