Data wpisu:
1. Corkscrew Trepanation | 06:53 |
2. Turquoise Towers | 07:47 |
3. Orgon Grinder | 05:55 |
4. Olive Alley | 03:19 |
5. Triskaideka | 05:23 |
Total playing time | 29:17 |
1. Burning Mirrors | 04:45 |
2. Black Tusk | 04:09 |
3. Xulux | 06:42 |
4. Atlanta Brook | 05:16 |
5. Melting Space | 04:33 |
6. Calalini Rises | 06:08 |
7. Hashshashin | 02:56 |
8. Longwave | 09:36 |
9. Gaussian Castles | 05:15 |
Total playing time | 49:20 |
1. Untitled | 05:22 |
2. Untitled | 06:05 |
3. Untitled | 07:00 |
4. Untitled | 15:00 |
Total playing time | 33:27 |
1. The Bloom | 05:35 |
2. Wintersong | 02:09 |
3. Tawazula | 03:12 |
4. Laser Barn | 02:28 |
Total playing time | 13:24 |
1. Dogon Genesis | 05:54 |
2. High Frontier | 05:00 |
3. The Bloom | 05:35 |
4. Koman Tong | 03:30 |
5. Smokies Tangle | 07:24 |
6. Life without Skin | 06:02 |
Bonustrack | |
7. Abudhabijhab | 06:56 |
Total playing time | 40:21 |