Red Bertoldini

Imię Red Bertoldini
Data urodzin 09 Grudzień 1955
Państwo Italy
Miasto Venezia

Dark Lord

Od 1982 Until 1988 Strona zespołu

Born in Venice (Italy) - His musical training as a Drummer and Singer - Form with Alex Masi, Gable Nalesso, Al Guariento, the band Dark Lord from 1982 to 1985 and 1985 to 1988 with Alex de Rosso (Dokken), Emanuel Jenée, Paolo Muffato.
Lead Vocal with Foxy Lady (Italy) -
Mary Rose (Slovenia) -
Rebel Toys (Italy) -
Red Inn (Italy) -
Reunion Dark Lord Band (Italy) 2017 -
Comes out of the Dark Lord and with the drummer Tony T. form the Red B - 2018.
Solo debut with the album
"Red Bertoldini" 2014
"Just Another Hero" 2015.
Currently, it is in preparation for the new album and video 2018.