The Gathering

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Nom du groupe Magenta
Nom de l'album The Gathering
Type Video
Date de parution Octobre 2005
Labels F2 Music
Style MusicalNéo Prog
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Intro [Opus 3] 00:53
2. King of the Skies 04:36
3. Gluttony 11:24
4. Demons 04:34
5. Broken 04:11
6. Children of the Sun 20:24
7. Overture 05:34
8. Genetesis 11:07
9. Call Me 05:04
10. I'm Alive 05:40
11. The White Witch 23:36
12. Pride 11:29
Bonus Material
1. Arrival of the Audience 02:58
2. Comments from the Audience 04:18
3. Interview with Rob Reed 05:16
4. Interview with Christina 02:53
5. In The Studio with Rob Reed 02:12
6. Promo Video for "Broken" 04:12
7. Photo Gallery 05:02
Total playing time 1:48:32

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