Edgar Broughton Band : Inside Out
Nom du groupe
Edgar Broughton Band
Nom de l'album
Inside Out
Date de parution
05 Novembre 1972
Harvest Records
EMI Records
EMI Records
Style MusicalRock Psychédélique
Membres possèdant cet album2
1. Get Out of Bed - There's Nobody There - Side By Side | 03:40 |
2. Sister Angela | 00:37 |
3. I Got Mad | 03:40 |
4. They Took It Away | 02:24 |
5. Homes Fit for Heroes | 04:15 |
6. Gone Blue | 03:12 |
7. Chilly Morning Momma | 04:29 |
8. The Rake | 02:38 |
9. Totin' This Guitar | 01:44 |
10. Double Agent | 02:49 |
11. It's Not You | 11:02 |
12. Rock'n'Roll | 02:54 |
Total playing time | 43:24 |
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