Heart On

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Nom du groupe Eagles Of Death Metal
Nom de l'album Heart On
Type Album
Date de parution 2009
Labels pas de label connu
Style MusicalGarage Rock
Membres possèdant cet album7


1. Anything 'Cept the Truth
2. Wannabe in L.A
3. (I Used to Couldn't Dance) Tight Pants
4. High Voltage
5. Secret Plans
6. Now I'm a Fool
7. Heart On
8. Cheap Thrills
9. How Can a Man with So Many Friends Feel So Alone
10. Solo Flights
11. Prissy Prancin'
12. I'm Your Torpedo

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 $30.37  47,55 €  44,45 €  £37.43  $69.95  54,65 €  39,79 €
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