Complete Discography

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Nom du groupe Minor Threat
Nom de l'album Complete Discography
Type Compilation
Date de parution 26 Fevrier 1990
Style MusicalPunkcore
Membres possèdant cet album4


1. Filler
2. I Don't Wanna Hear It
3. Seeing Red
4. Straight Edge
5. Small Man, Big Mouth
6. Screaming At A Wall
7. Bottled Violence
8. Minor Threat
9. Stand Up
10. 12XU
11. In My Eyes
12. Out Of Step (With The World)
13. Guilty Of Being White
14. Steppin' Stone
15. Betray
16. It Follows
17. Think Again
18. Look Back And Laugh
19. Sob Story
20. No Reason
21. Little Friend
22. Out Of Step
23. Cashing In
24. Stumped
25. Good Guys (Don't Wear White)
26. Salad Days

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 $9.70  15,03 €  104,76 €  £12.17  $20.81  11,90 €  11,90 €
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