We're Dichi Michi and we are from Malaysia. The band was formed in the early of 2008. It all started with two guy (Ariff and Acong), they were looking for couple of guys to form a basic punk rock with pop punk band. And then they found these three dudes (Firdaus, Azam and Roy) that agreed to play in the band. So Dichi Michi were born. Actually, each of us came from other bands such as Avalon's Whisper, Arsonist, Starting Fight and Calculate Infinity. Like we mentioned it earlier we used the name "Georgia's Love" as our band name but then we changed it to Dichi Michi. Dichi Michi line-ups are Firdaus and Ariff as our guitarist, For bassist is Acong, our drummer is Roy and Azam, he plays the synth that add more color to the music. Our music basically are like punk rock style with a lil bit of powerpop and a pinch of hardcore style. We try to combine all of this genre to make a wonderful and happy powerpop style so that you guys can enjoy it ala at once :) For your information. Ariff decided to quit and had been replaced by Azam who played synth before. But on recent event, Ariff is joining back with us after he sorted his things out and play with us as guitarist again. And now we're back with a new hit and awesome music. So we hope you guys can support us in each every way to make things much more fun for us and you guys. Thank you :)
Source : Dichi Michi's Offcial Facebook page

biografía : Dichi Michi
Source : Dichi Michi's Offcial Facebook page