Live at Bonnaroo Festival

Band's List Folk Rock Ben Harper Live at Bonnaroo Festival
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Band Name Ben Harper
Album Name Live at Bonnaroo Festival
Type Bootleg
Released date 2007
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleFolk Rock
Members owning this album0


Recorded live at Bonnaro Festival, Manchester, Tennessee, United States, 18/06/2007
1. With My Own Two Hands
2. Ground on Down
3. Forgiven
4. Gold to Me
5. Talk About Murder
6. Diamonds on the Inside
7. Tomorrow Is a Long Time
8. Steal My kisses
9. Don't Take That Attitude to Your Grave
10. Waiting for You
11. Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin Cover)
12. Black Rain
13. Inner City Blues (Marvin Gaye Cover)
14. Burn One Down
15. Get Up,Stand Up (Bob Marley Cover, Duet with Ziggy Marley)
16. Better Way

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Ben Harper