Fog on the Tyne - Classic and Live

Band's List Folk Rock Lindisfarne Fog on the Tyne - Classic and Live
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Band Name Lindisfarne
Album Name Fog on the Tyne - Classic and Live
Type Compilation
Released date 06 October 2003
Labels Metro
Music StyleFolk Rock
Members owning this album0


1. Meet Me on the Corner
2. Any Way the Wind Blows
3. Warm Feeling
4. Sunderland Boys
5. Lady Eleanor
6. Train in G Major
7. Love on the Run
8. When Friday Comes Around
9. We Can Swing Together
10. All Fall Down
11. Juke Box Gypsy
12. Run for Home
13. Stormy Weather
14. I Must Stop Going to Parties
15. All in the Same Boat
16. January Song
17. Clear White Light
18. Fog on the Tyne

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