Brillant Outtakes, Demos and Specials

Band's List Psychedelic Rock Jimi Hendrix Brillant Outtakes, Demos and Specials
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Band Name Jimi Hendrix
Album Name Brillant Outtakes, Demos and Specials
Type Bootleg
Released date 2010
Labels Unknown label
Music StylePsychedelic Rock
Members owning this album1


1. Burning of the Midnigt Lamp 02:49
2. Rainy Day Shuffle 10:42
3. Cat Talkin' to You 05:16
4. Gypsy Eyes 01:38
5. Hey Gypsy Boy 03:22
6. Pali Gap 05:06
7. Hey Baby 06:02
8. Like a Roling Stone 03:11
9. One Rainy Wish 03:55
10. Electric Ladyland 01:19
11. Cat Talkin' to Me (Take 1) 02:38
12. Cat Talkin' to Me (Take 2) 02:49
13. Room Full of Mirrors 02:28
14. Ships Passing Through the Night 02:40
15. Drifters Escape 03:09
16. Angel 03:15
17. You've Got Me Floating 02:43
18. Little One (with Brian Jones) 03:36
19. Waterfall (May This Be Love) 03:13
20. Cryin' Blue Rain 03:44
21. Radio One Jingle 01:08
Total playing time 1:13:26

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Jimi Hendrix