Borderline (K7)

Band's List Pop Rock Blondie Borderline (K7)
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Band Name Blondie
Album Name Borderline (K7)
Type Bootleg
Released date 1989
Labels Unknown label
Music StylePop Rock
Members owning this album0


Recorded Live at the Borderline Club, London, England, 08/10/1989
1. The Hunter Gets Captured By the Game
2. Dreaming
3. Rapture
4. I Want That Man
5. The Tide Is High
6. Bugeye
7. Heart of Glass
8. Lovelight
9. Get your Way
10. Comic Books
1. Detroit 442
2. Bike Boy
3. Cautious Lip
4. Brite Side
5. Touched...Presence Dear
6. Call Me
7. French Kissin'
8. Pet Semetary

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