Women As Lovers

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Band Name Xiu Xiu
Album Name Women As Lovers
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 29 Januar 2008
Musik GenreExperimental Rock
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1. I Do What I Want, When I Want
2. In Lust You Can Hear the Axe Fall
3. F.T.W.
4. No Friend Oh!
5. Guantanamo Canto
6. Under Pressure (with Michael Gira)
7. Black Keyboard
8. Master of the Bump (Kurt Stumbaugh, I Can Feel the Soil Falling Over My Head)
9. You Are Pregnant You, You Are Dead
10. The Leash
11. Child at Arms
12. Puff & Bunny
13. White Nerd
14. Gayle Lynn

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Xiu Xiu