Total Resistance to the Fucking System

Liste der Bands Punkcore Oi Polloi Total Resistance to the Fucking System
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Band Name Oi Polloi
Album Name Total Resistance to the Fucking System
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2006
Musik GenreStreet Punk - Oi
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. Stay Alert
2. It Doesn't Have to Be Like This
3. Fuck the National Lottery
4. Threshers - Fuck Off!
5. Let the Boots Do the Talking
6. We Must Combat Sexism on All Levels
7. Carson?
8. An Drochaid Thoraidh
9. Cumhachd Niuclach? Cha Ghabh Idir!
10. Pictures of Women Giving Birth Sell Records
11. Shhh...It
12. Concrete Jungle

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Oi Polloi