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Band Name Passion Pit
Album Name Manners
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 15 Mai 2009
Musik GenreIndie Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen1


1. Make Light
2. Little Secrets
3. Moth's Wings
4. The Reeling
5. Eyes as Candles
6. Swimming in the Flood
7. Folds in Your Hands
8. To Kingdom Come
9. Sleepyhead (Angelakos, Mary O'Hara)
10. Let Your Love Grow Tall
11. Seaweed Song
Bonustracks (Japenese Edition)
12. Sleepyhead (Stripped Down Version)
13. Moth's Wings (Stripped Down Version)
14. Dreams

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 $26.53  4,00 €  21,32 €  £16.48  $29.45  51,33 €  11,62 €
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Passion Pit

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