Days Go By

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Band Name The Offspring
Album Name Days Go By
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 26 Juni 2012
Musik GenrePunk-Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen53


1. The Future is Now 04:08
2. Secrets from the Underground 03:10
3. Days Go By 04:02
4. Turning into You 03:42
5. Hurting as One 02:50
6. Cruising California (Bumpin' in My Trunk) 03:31
7. All I Have Left is You 05:19
8. OC Guns 04:08
9. Dirty Magic 04:00
10. I Wanna Secret Family (With You) 03:02
11. Dividing by Zero 02:22
12. Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell 02:36
Total playing time 42:50
Bonustracks (Japanese Release)
13. Self Esteem (Live)
14. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (Live)
15. The Kids Aren't Alright (Live)

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The Offspring