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Band Name Anthony Green
Album Name Avalon
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 05 August 2008
Produced by John Feldmann
Musik GenreIndie Rock
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1. She Loves Me So
2. Dear Child (I've Been Dying to Reach You)
3. Drug Dealer
4. Stonehearted Man
5. Babygirl
6. Miracle Sun
7. Califone
8. Springtime Out the Van Window
9. Slowing Down (Long Time Coming)
10. The First Day of Work at the Microscope Store
11. Devil's Song (This Feels Like a Nightmare)

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 $9.89  9,50 €  22,65 €  £14.38  $26.02  16,77 €  92,30 €
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Anthony Green

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