Ween : Pure Guava

Les paroles
Oh little birdy
Oh little birdy
I saw the little birdy sing
He sang with glee and everything
He sang for spring and he sang for me
And everything was so happy
I don't know why
I want to fly
Try to sigh
Make me fly
Get me high
Then the little birdy starts to cry
So happy
State this ache as the final break
Tender situation - create a good illusion
Feel the grip of your slavation
This is indeed a tender situation
Make a move man state your case
Taste the waste man taste the waste
What is your place in my glorification
Yeah this is really a tender situation
Get off the pot man shake and bake
Taste the waste boy taste the waste
Pump it up or stray from that old station
Yeah dude this is really a tender situation
Mach 10 at sudden speed
Flying into the wind now
I'm flowing at my feet
Something of likeness to you now
I spotted you in the sun
I called your name from a distance
I knew you were the one
I called again
I do declare
I can float in the air
And with some love from above
Don't caress the weasel
And don't fall too soon
Don't seek the blood from the panther
Don't take a trip to you soon
I'm the one
Helding the time back from the sun
As I scope the lobe
I am the one who controls the sun
And I know that things will pass
As time elapses
Time elapsing through the sound of you;
And the things we could do
Just think of the master
Trying to fool the blastman
Check the cards at the table
Scream softly you are able
To see the sign of thine self as
Throughout the ages of time
Things u thought weren't going to
Climb the mountain
See the sun
Touch the waves of the earth
Feel the grass softly
And don't think for the one you know
I am - screaming backward in the sand
(hey, dude, he's the stallion)
Rollin' and wheelin'
Stealin' and dealin'
Big jim
Bol weevil' it's a pleasel
It's a pleasel my weasel
Big jim
Dreamin' and schemin'
Screamin' and bleedin'
Big jim
Froggy in the meadow under the log
Rollin' and wheelin'
Stealin' and dealin'
Big jim
What's the biggest thing u ever did done see?
Big jim
When u lie
Kiss your baby bye bye bye
And if you're true
The whole wide world will laugh with you
When we see
Nothing's wrong with you and me
With you time will tell
It might even bring a wedding bell
If u think that I'm a loser
Well you suck, cause u know I ain't nothin'
But a user of your love
Can't get enough
Girl it's true
The whole wide world is smilin' with you
Push th' little daisies and make em come up
Sometimes I know
Sometimes I'm on the go
But I'm comin' back
So don't give me no flack
It's all you
And it's me too
It's your world
You're the girl
Happier than shit
Things that might go click with me
Click with you
Is that love?
Is that love? Oh.
Push th' little daisies and make em come up (x8)
Watch the litle daisies grow, little daisies grow
Now just push th' the little daisies and make 'em come up
Watch them grow watch them grow
As i push the little daisies and make 'em come up
Make 'em come up
Make 'em come up
Make 'em come up, say
Push th' little daisies and make em come up (x7)
Smack dab in the middle of a situation
Overlooked by fools
Tables turned, lessons learned
U get burned for playin' by the rules
Time is lost, that's the cost
Oh brother you got shit on in the end
Scrape 4 a dollar, you'll die smilin'
Learnin' the same lessons once again
The goin' gets tough from the get go go man go
Oh brother not another motherfucker
Gotta go now
I don't know where you're comin' from
But I wish you'd go away
I don't know where you got your money from
But I wish i didn't have to be the one to pay
And I'm not sure how to say this
But I seal it with a kiss
Do up a bag and drop dead motherfucker
So I can hang out with chris
What can u do
When your world's been invaded
By a reggaejunkiejew
What can u do
When the things that made u happy
Only make you blue
Take a permanent vacation
Get the fuck out of town
Go see jamaica motherfucker
Let your dreadlocks down
All that u speak is bullshit
And all the people u know
Maybe some people like to eat it
I think you're a dick
Talkin' to some joe
Hangin' out shootin' shit
Tries to tell me somethin'
I play it off legit
So pleasant when the sails
Of the seas of orion gently slip
No need for god's sorrow
I play it off legit
Dude's hounding this bitch
I'm checkin' out the shit laughing
Later on i'll fuck her
She knows I'm legit
A sexy scorpion that stings her with wit
I play it off legit
'Cuz I know I'm legit
My ma bought me a cool shirt
When I wear it I'm the shit
I'm really not that legit
My ma bought it
I clapped when I saw her
When I found her, you split
When I'm on the go
You know I'm legit
It's a nine mile walk
From the office to the pumps
Sometimes you think you're gonna drop
In the end you're filthy dirty
Horny and pissed off
And before you can leave u gotta sweep the fuckin' shop
It's a real real bitch
To be workin' 4 the man
But shit I do it well so what the fuck
I could probly wash dishes
At some other fuckin' dump
But it's all the same to me
Bustin' ass 2 make a buck
So read 'em up + stick 'em
Pump that fucker good
Some woman down on main st. Needs a jump
Get your fingers outta your ass
And pump some faggot's gas
And think about how bad new hope sucks
It's a piss poor life
When the ladies fire u up
And then u check their oil and know you're fucked
'Cuz no one wants a loser
Who works for 5 an hour
Smells like gas, looks like shit
Works in the rain - rude as hell
I can fix a tire like hurricane melinda
I know that I'm the best for what it's worth
So if I choose to help you
Don't look like you expect it
'Cuz it's a gift that god gave me at birth
So read 'em up + stick 'em
Pump that fucker good
Some woman down on main st. Needs a jump
Get your fingers outta your ass
And pump some faggot's gas
And think about how bad new hope sucks
When i find you in your sleep - sarah
I will tell you what u mean to me - sarah
I know this big world ain't always what it seems - sarah
Forever may i love you, and forever may you dream - sarah
Good morning my love
The skies are clearing up today
Can I kiss you on the boob
Like I did yesterday?
U let me in
U let me sin
U made me cry
U got me high
Can I touch u in the nude?
U lookin' really good in bed
How come u ain't talkin'
Like we was yesterday
Wake up little wakeup
Got somethin' to say
Don't move a muscle
I'm gettin' dressed and I can't stay
Oh sweet mindfuck lady
Please love me like u do
Plagued by an image of days long gone
Flies on my dick
Never sit alone on a hot sticky noon
With flies on your dick
I'm just a boy with a gypsy nun
I love it when you stick me with your staff
Oh sweet mindfuck lady
Smashed with a nightmare
All alone with flies on my dick
Have a beautiful pain
It always rains in your bed
When I'm wet with truth
I'll say it with soothe
I know what I must do
Sweetheart - nun - gypsy
I know what I must do
So afraid I know what I must do
I saw my brother weepin' in the dead of the night
I said, dude man, you feelin' alright
Gener said nothin' and continued to weep
I caught papa gene ween cryin' in his sleep
I saw gener cryin' in his sleep
I tried to wake him up but he made not a peep
Life at the top can be tough
Sometimes u think you've seen enough
But u can find a diamond in the rough
But when it's time for bed you shouldn't
Think about that stuff
Buddy - why's my brain so muddy
Why do I feel like putty
When she walks into the room
(touch my tooter)
Sonny - it ain't all milk and honey
And I don't think it's funny
When she starts to groove
Baby - ain't it lazy
Ain't it crazy
When u think it's all smooth
Cough, cough
I swear to god! Look!
This is something new you've never heard before this.
You better take a good look at your mind, fucker.
I know what you want to come here for
You better take a good look at your mind, fucker.
These three little, these three little fuckers.
These three little...pumpkin patch.
These three little pumpkins went into the woods and they said,
They said today we're gonna find something really good to look at.
And they went into the woods and they looked at all the little trees.
And they said this woods is really (sounds like continuous?) Little trees.
You know, 'cause nature is just as part of us as we are to the earth.
I said yeah.
And the pumpkins, the pumpkins went further into the woods.
And they came across this little man...with a big, big head.
And the little man said,
What's your fucking idea you fuckers?!
What are you fucking high?!
And the little pumpkin says,
(this next lines pretty sketchy)
We're the pumpkins to join yours for a loose the pumpkin.
Oooey! Oooey! Oooey!
You ain't been in my world.
You never been in my world.
You never will be in my world.
You go away and you'll never be in my world again.
The pumpkin boy said, yes you will, yes you will, I think to stay.
I wanna be in your world.
For you in your world.
Yeah you fuckers, you can't get me off before you leave yourself.
You think you can understand but you can't!
Look, you just entered my world, right?
You just entered my world (sounds like "are quiet lie") you go in and for
Then enjoy nothing but (sounds like "share and progress")
You think you can go from the top of the tree to the top of this too.
Inaudible ranting for a bit)
The two pumpkins looked at the little man and they said,
Why, why would he be such a, why would he be such a jerk?
And the only thing he does is smoke drugs,
And he doesn't do cocaine,
And he doesn't shoot smack,
And he doesn't even drink beer.
Why would he be such a fucker to me?
Why would he be such fuckers?
All they wanted to do was pumpkins.
All they wanted to laugh at was the pumpkins.
(long unintelligible bit)
It's only the beginning.
Stop the tape
Loving u thru it all - think + thin
Loving u thru it all - bad + good
Loving u 'til the end - sun + rain
Hey fat boy
Come here
You killed my mother
I'm going to kill you
Don't quiver little boy
Your daddy's with you now
It won't be long anyhow
It's just around the corner
The destiny that I embrace with you
Don't get 2 close to my fantasy
Don't be afraid to clutch the hand of your creator
Stare into the lion's eyes
And if u taste the candy
You'll get 2 the surprise
Stay calm little dreamer
And drift off into dreams
The gentle kiss of night
Is better than it seems
It's just around the corner
Close your eyes and soon you'll be with me
Let me lock in the system at warp 2
Push it into systematic overdrive -
U know what 2 do
Let's cruise! Past all the golden poo
That makes me blue
This thing gonna ? ? ? ? On the
Poopship destroyer
Let me jam all the frequencies on channel 2
I've been chewin' on this brownie
And I thinks I'm almost through
Let's cruise! The chocolate stew was u know who
I told u to jam the frequency
This sector's chartered by you
paroles ajoutées par opeth59 - Modifier ces paroles