Trust : Antisocial en Anglais

You're a train ride to no importance
You're in love with hell existence
Money is all you desire
Why don't you pack it in and retire ?
It's common nature, you can't fool me;
I'm just the money that you can't let free.
Rainy day genius clouds your mind,
Don't you realize the blind lead the blind ?
You're anti, you're antisocial (x4)
Oh Mister Times, will you ever unwind
Or just rebuild on a new design ?
Your claim to fame is law and order :
The rich get rich and the poor get poor.
You put a price-tag on what you see :
This one's for you and that's for me.
If that's winning, then i'd rather lose
Why don't you listen to my senseless views ?
You're anti, you're antisocial (x4)
You're a train ride to no importance
You're in love with hell existence
Money is all you desire
Why don't you pack it in and retire ?
It's common nature, but you can't fool me;
I'm just the money that you can't let free.
Rainy day genius clouds your mind,
Don't you realize the blind lead the blind ?
You're anti, you're antisocial (x4)
Antisocial, antisocial, antisocial, antisocial
Here on the wall is the shield of France
Waiting for a second chance
A nation sang "Get out, get out !"
But you just waited for that chance.
Your armies moved without control
So you returned to give them soul
Mister Comedy, the newsreel star
This time you've gone too far.
With a heart of stone you were all alone
In the kingdom of no king.
With a heart of stone you were all alone
In the kingdom of no king.
You had no right to our liberty
Go back to hell and be free.
Your French connection of invention
Was a screen of your medieval mind
Making anger to lick its wounds
Feeding the poor with foolish words
Babies drying parents crying
Brothers killing brothers
Just so you could hold on to your old-fashioned decisions
With a heart of stone you were all alone
In the kingdom of no king.
With a heart of stone you were all alone
In the kingdom of no king.
You had no right to our liberty
Go back to hell and be free.
Here is a joker in a nightmare dream
He has, he hasn't, he is, he isn't
What does he knows ?
This man must go !
Why is this man a god of dogs ?
Why is this man a god of dogs ?
I ask you why
Are we all to die ?
With a heart of stone you were all alone
In the kingdom of no king.
With a heart of stone you were all alone
In the kingdom of no king.
You had no right to our liberty
Go back to hell and be free.
Go back to hell and be free.
Go back to hell and be free.
Let me tell you about French enemy number one
You know who I mean : Mister Mesrine
Many people say that he's a beast or a monster
I'm not going to say he's a hero or a martyr
You're proud of law and order; the justice that you see
But still you can't keep from watching violence on T.V.
Paris must choose its targets
The city clears its dirt
Still grow the seeds of anger
Vengeance in their souls.
The future prisons will still cage
The animals no one wants to see
No room to think, no time to remember
Put them in, bolt the doors
Bear them and defeat them
So never may they tell.
Policemen here !
Policemen there !
Big Brother's eyes
Are everywhere !
It's in these prisons that they manufacture crime
The Buissons, Willoquets and other Mesrines
Chains and locks around their hands
But no one's waiting to set them free.
They don't care if anyone's alive or dead
Destined to die, like don't ask me why
Many have rotted in this hell
But crime is bourgeois... smile on with pleasure !
It's in these prisons that they manufacture crime
The Buissons, Willoquets and other Mesrines
It's in these prisons that they manufacture crime
The Buissons, Willoquets and other Mesrines.
Order reigns, death and silence.
I live in the animal zone
Where the concrete homes are grown
I'm the zombie of yesterday's children
Born and bred in total confusion
In the name of the race I pass
I'll go forward but remember the past
I'll never be your plastic image
For you to rape and then to pillage
My world is a dying graveyard
With no importance to future heroes
But my decisions are black and white
What I've got I'm holding tight
In the name of the race I pass
I'll go forward but remember the past
I'll never be your plastic image
For you to rape and then to pillage
I'm here, is there anywhere left
If there is the right place to be
My handshake is a no surrender
And I will survive
In the name of the race I pass
I'll go forward but remember the past
I'll never be your plastic image
For you to rape and then to pillage
Standing on my soapbox shouting sweet revenge
I have so many reasons I don't need to pretend
My messages are images of the future and the past
I'm always in a temper so they hide me in a cage.
Walk, walk in front of me
But my eyes are never dulled with fear
Walk, walk in front of me
But my eyes will never shed a tear.
The feelings I have from you are apart
Surrounded by the fools of nature.
I'll never be your dog of capture
Your pedigree is not my own; I am a different breed.
Walk, walk in front of me
But my eyes are never dulled with fear
Walk, walk in front of me
But my eyes will never shed a tear.
In good faith I'm no believer
Or a general born a leader.
But how can I be happy in this crazy mixed-up world ?
I'll let you speak then you let me go.
Walk, walk in front of me
But my eyes are never dulled with fear
Walk, walk in front of me
But my eyes will never shed a tear.
Paris is still burning with the flames of wasted youth
But in the fields of Flanders, the poppies cry the truth.
Paris is still burning, but the prostitutes stay honest.
It was a savage Messiah that lit the burning fire.
Paris is still burning. Paris is still burning.
When I speak to you I don't see friends or foe.
When I cry for you, how can you see my tears ?
So please listen to my shadow. Paris is still burning
But I'm freezing without warmth and my confidence in liberty
Has escaped without a trace; without a trace.
Paris is still burning. Paris is still burning.
Not even the river Seine can dampen my belief
That forevermore we just hold our tongues.
The flames get bigger by the hour, but we stand still.
We've got tomorrow's gift of genius : atomic power.
Paris is still burning. Paris is still burning.
Oh my city will you burn forever more ?
Or will the rainy days have a solution.
Maybe we can live on your pollution.
I know I'm just another number ready to be forgotten.
But to remember is not good enough.
You're supposed to be so modern, well I don't want to be forgotten.
Paris is still burning. Paris is still burning.
So let the poppies grow and let the children know
Paris is still burning.
So let the poppies grow and let the children know
Paris is still burning.
Paris is still burning. Paris is still burning.
Look at the new slaves, lost before found
Running back over opened ground.
Their home are concrete graveyards.
Robbers, muggers, young pretenders,
They have no easy way out
Empty voices trying to shout.
It's such a bore.
A pick-me-up, put-me-down, kick me to the floor !
They judge you, accuse you, sentence you to life
Your only sun, a commercial bomb
The modern-age push-button control
Just a robot with no fixed emotions.
Years go on, has your mind been beaten ?
Sometimes you cry, please don't ask me why
Ask my mother; you say you're my brother
Then you turn and stab my back
Don't fill my head with too much too soon.
You break your chains to release the tension
Your spirit never breaks on decisions to be free.
You know your friends and enemies
Are tricks of fantasy
You know that your feeling capture
What others never see
Then you fool yourself that you won't, but you can
If it only happens now.
Straighten up and move !
Defend yourself
They're talkin'about you !
You're a prisoner of your past
But hanging on to yesterday's emotions
Won't heal your wounds tomorrow
Educate your heart with good
Society spits in your face
First you laugh, then you cry
You can't heal tomorrow's emotions
By pretending your past is dead.
Straighten up and move !
Defend yourself
They're talkin'about you !
You celebrate when you know you've won,
But when you lose you're still having fun
The martyr carries a deathly burden
In murdering himself on the order of his mind.
So let your force keep you marching on.
A man condemned will never understand
The veins of plastic propaganda
So he pays them back with diction
That the media look at with wounded eyes.
But you're the man who'll pay his way
Then be told you're off to war
To die as a sacrifice to no one.
But if you're strong you carry on
With birth of your years you've lived.
Get them out, go on, get them out !
Get out your claws !
To many given back memories
Of when you kicked yourself for being young
A thousand million movies
Run silent in your mind
But loud and clear an echo screams
Tears to flood the road to nowhere.
So ask yourself a lie,
Then answer back with truth.
Straighten up and move !
Get your claws !
Like the last of the Mohicans
You acted like bloody pagans
So let the bells ring
Rejoice and sing
Jim Jones, where did you come from
Jim Jones, was it for fun ?
Jim Jones, that's your name
Jim Jones, a silent death.
Religious sects and promised lands
Are you ready for the gods ?
Martyrs, killers holding hands
Did not fight the odds.
The dying angel said, "Drink up"
"Be merry and be dead !"
Jim Jones, where did you come from
Jim Jones, was it for fun ?
Jim Jones, that's your name
Jim Jones, you dead for fame.
Murder ! Murder ! Murder ! The zero hero !
Walk on them like insects
Gamble with death for a joke !
Mercenary disciples with bibles and rifles
In the temple of the people
A doomsday book of evil
No poster hanging high
I die, you die. Don't ask why
I die, you die. Don't ask why
I die, you die. Don't ask why.
Yes Madame,
He paces round and round in a million steps
That lead nowhere
In a concrete world he looks through the prison bars
To see trees that blossom in despair
Inhuman, shrunk without a tomorrow
His pittance is slipped under the door
And in a bowl of water... to quench his thirst
He is alone... with no sun
He doesn't even have his shadow anymore
Unfaithful companion, she left
Refusing to be a slave in this living newborn death
He paces round and round and will always pace
Until the day when vanquished as a wounded animal
He'll fall to the ground and let himself die
One day in september 1976
Where I existed so little
Where I was not even "nobody"
One day in september 1976
Where I barely existed...
I see a tear in your eye
Why are you so sad
Poor dog, you say to me
That's a mistake
He is a man, Madame
He is in prison
He's the one whom your equals have so well condemned
In dispensing justice in the name of liberty.
[Repeat Chorus]
He paces round and round and will pace forever
Until the day when vanquished like a wounded animal
He'll fall to the ground and let himself die
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