Stoa : Urthona

'Unbolt the wind to me!'
Brag I with audacious pride.
But that first gust of him
Makes me stumble and shrink.
My barque is covered up
With leaves and windfall-pears.
His heaven azures me
And his earth is cushioning.
The warming of his wine
And the sighing of his fire,
His honeys bitterness
Are reviving me,
Expose me to the storms
And leave me to despair.
But once his cold will die
In my ardent embrace.
I have no name
I am but two days old,
What shall I call thee?
I happy am
Joy is my name,
Sweet joy befall thee!
Pretty joy!
Sweet joy but two days old.
Sweet joy I call thee:
Thou dost smile
I sing the while
Sweet joy befall thee.
Be near me when my light is low.
When the blood creeps and the nerves prick
And tingle, and the heart is sick,
And all the wheels of being slow.
Be near me when the sensous frame
Is rack'd with pangs that conquer trust,
And time a maniac, scattering dust,
And life, a fury, slinging flame.
Be near me when my faith is dry,
And men the flies of latter spring,
That lay their eggs, and sting and sing,
And weave their petty cells and die.
Be near me when I fade away,
To point the term of human strife.
And on the low dark verge of life
The twilight of eternal day.
Bene est viro qui
Miseretur et commodat
Qui disponit res suas
Cum justitia.
In aeternum non vacilabit.
Distribuit, donat pauperibus,
Munificentia ejus manebit semper,
Cornu ejus
Extolletur cum gloria.
Caged in old woods, whose reverend echoes wake
When the hern screams along the distant lake,
Her little heart oft flutters to be free,
Oft sighs to turn the unrelenting key.
In vain! the nurse that rusted relic wears,
Nor mov'd by gold nor to be mov'd by tears;
And terraced walls their black reflection throw
On the green-mantled moat that sleeps below.
I vex my heart with fancies dim:
He still outstript me in the race;
It was but unity of place
That made me dream I rank'd with him.
And so May place retain us still,
And he the much-beloved again,
A lord of large experience, train
To riper growth the mind and will:
And what delights can equal those
That stir the spirits inner deeps,
When one that loves but knows not, reaps
A truth from one that loves and
9. [N]EVER
You're within reach
But out of here.
Your breath and warmth
Are always near
But lost to me.
I'm bound by laws
And chained in time.
I'm filth and lie
And flesh of mine
[But] your trace's in me.
That grain of light
You sent to here
Goes unattainable to me
Goes underground.
Your depht and height
Removed from me.
In mind and blood
I'll gradually
Turn to stone.
Time runs out.
I left behind
My breath came up to here.
Till now I hesitated.
Tired eyes
I scan the old horizon.
My path can't end this way.
But dye's rapidly fading.
Find to calm,
My heart without.
But I'm to weak to try.
That lie was my undoing.
Arising hope for silence,
Thus far I was the child.
The sleepers now awakened.
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