Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio : Make Love, and War - The Wedlock of Equilibrium

The story of kings' and their kingdoms', is herewith about To be told;
Of strife and political govern, and the anguish to be Overthrown
One kingdom was gleaming and golden, its castle was built Out of strain;
It was ruled by a merciful monarch, who's justice was Widely acclaimed
Elected to power by voting, by his fellowmen that he had Been;
A prospering nation of justice, where each owned as much as Their kin
The other domain was of silver, its regent was righteous And grand;
He governed his kingdom by justice; and rendered his ruling By hand
The monarch had come into power; by seizing his govern by Force;
He considered himself to be able, and by cunning he managed His course
Each kingdom prevailed independent, their riches continued To grow;
But then came a sudden disaster, of drought that obstructed The growth
Starvation was sudden and heartless, for the king in the Golden domain;
He had labored his folk for the kingdom, convoking their Goods and their grains
But the people he reigned were neglected, and the virtue of Personal gain;
And soon he was stranded with nothing, but the cast of a Social charade
The kingdom of silver and marble, was likewise affected by Drought;
But merely in petty proportions, as govern was slightly Unlike.
The people had land that they planted, to nourish Themselves and their king;
Profusion was not for the kingdom, but earnings for Personal strain
The people of silver had plenty, preserved since the time Of excess;
Diverse to the folk who had nothing, who's earnings had Mothered distress
He pleaded, he begged and he bellowed; that his neighbors Should part with their gain;
And contribute avail for his people, the king of the golden Domain
The people considered his motives, but seemly rejected his Plea;
They replied that the rate of survival, was an issue for Nature to deem
The king was provoked by this answer, and shortly resolved To wage war;
In attempt to ensure his persistence, and the life of his People of course
But the force he unearthed was brutal, and too meager he Was his cause;
Let nature decide who is able, or be reckoned for judgement Py force
The crescent was red and transition was dying
For an instant forgotten and my moon would be gone
The night was resplendent and today was incessant
I closed my eyes and my crescent was gone
Who is he, who extinguishes fire?
It is I, It is me
Who is she, who resolves in devotion?
It is you, It is me
History's ever and the patterns are ceaseless
Recurrence's my sentence and failure's my crop
I vanquish myself with a sword of abortion
Thence torpid I rest in miscarriage alone
Who is he who ruins desire?
It is I, It is me
Who is she who awakens the fire?
It is you, It is me
Whate'er is born of mortal birth
Must be consumed with the earth
To rise from generation free;
Then what have I to do with thee!
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
The sexes sprung from shame & pride
Blow'd in the morn: in evening died
But mercy changed death into sleep;
The sexes rose to work & weep
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
Thou mother of my mortal part
With cruelty didst mould my heart
And with false self-deceiving tears
Didst bind my nostrils eyes & ears
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
Didst close my tongue in senseless clay
And me to mortal Life betray:
The death of Jesus set me free
Then what have I to do with thee!
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
It is raised a spiritual body
Mina fingrar kan inte vant söka sig till mitt underliv då Jag föraktar mitt eget kön
Med dig sker en omfördelning av tankar
Med dig vill jag njuta - njuta och glömma
Så efter slagen midnattstimma längtar jag innerligt efter Dig
Minns du den fullständiga åtrån då vi först träffades?
Minns du alla timmarna av tillägnan för varandras kroppar?
Aldrig i, bara utanpå
I kväll, i natt är du här hos mig
Timmar av lek och njutning har vi framför oss
I rummet lyser endast några få tända stearinljus och jag Alskar
Skuggorna de lämnar på din kropp
Jag är uppklädd, Endast för dig min kära
För dig, dina ögon och din Åtrå
Jag bär ett par svarta strumpor men i mörkret ger de en Glans av silkeslila
Mina fötter vilar i ett par stillet klädda skor
Endast for dig vill jag vara den vackraste
Så var borjar vi då fantasins förhoppningsfulla värld?
Jag vet inte hur det börjar, bara hur det slutar
Lekfulla tungor, mot varandra
Mot öron, hals och kön
Fastbunden i och mot
Pisksnärtar blandas med våra stön
Piskans smekning mot rygg, lår och ben
Särade ben igenomträngande men inget intrång
Njutning och positionsbyte
Bunden. Du mot mark
Piskrapp. Mun mot kön
Kärleksförklaringar viskandes mot tomhetens eko
Skalpell mot vit hud
Blod. Åtrå
Blod och Åtrå är vackert
Vi är vackra. Tillsammans
Utmattade. Våta. Kåta. Svettiga. Tillfredställda. Kärlek
Tillsammans sluter vi våra ögon
Älskar igen. I drömmen
Saknar - men inte varandra
Seize my blood and drink to love; heed what can't be heard
Runic suns and raven odes; revere the burning earth
My sacrifice in crimson tide; conveyed for saintly pledge
Gleaned and raised in silver cup; and placed mid open legs
Forth the path of sullied grime; an ode is being sung
The wintry cloak that veils the soil; departs before the sun
Within the heart of blazing snow; the sky with rose is dressed
Let's rouse the flame that once was doused; and capture life from death
Sterling ear retained with life; transfixed before the strife
Glean its grains when grown and ripe; and drain its bracing vitae
Where passion roars and sense unites; the war will soon be won
The quest for life transcends beyond; and falls beneath the sun
Flame of life retained outside; the range of grasping hands
For ardency it glistens bright; in yearn for reprimand
Legion quest to douse its light; with credence and by plea
But midst the crop that sprouts to ripe; I plant another seed
Ere the sun before the sow; euphoria betrothed
By blood and wine converged for boon; I'm drunken in the snow
See maidens' stray by altars' bare; awaiting love's avail
See signs of peace revert to life; see victory prevail
War and sex has an intimate connection, seeing that the Outburst of war
Extends the collated amplitude and variation of sexual Activity amongst
The affected populations
The military state of affairs likewise furnishes the Opportunity of
Homosexual relations to a greater extent to that of Foregoing peace and
Serenity - necessity knowing no boundaries or limitations
An additional connection ascertains that war is customarily Accompanied
By an appending increase in promiscuity and sexual offenses Amongst the civilian populations
War transcends ethnic limitations and extends the foregoing Practice of
Sexual intercourse with the female residents of the Vanquished region,
Customarily by means of rape and molestation
Sister shall rise against sister; Brother shall rise Against brother
And all over the world, people shall rise against each other
Sister shall make love to sister; Brother shall make love To brother
And all over the world, people shall make love to each other