Noctule Sorix : Nonsense

Darkwave / France
(2007 - NS-X Project)
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Here comes a brand new life

Nonsense !


We were happy together
Too much happiness for our so scared souls
We were happy together
Our love tasted so good, we had to go

I could'nt bear your sweet smiles
You'd never laugh at my jokes
We finally broke up laughing and drinking tea

It appeared so obvious
Just a few minutes after I left
You should have married a dead undertaker
To finally ease your amazing joy of living

I didn't bear your sweet smiles
You'd never laugh at my jokes
We finally twisted our happiness into torture
You finally came back scratching at my door


I'm lost underground
Asking myself where you can be
I'm lost underground
Are you still thinking of me ...

I'm lost in my mind
You surely not the one
I'm lost in my mind
I'll keep this awful doubt

I'm lost underground
Asking myself where you can be
I'm lost underground
Has your soul switched already


I play at night in your house
I live another life

Pretending to swim
In your house

I change the time in your house
The hours I take
Go so slow ...

I hear no sound in your house

In the empty rooms

I drown at night in your house
Pretending to swim

Pretending to swim


I look at you for the first time and your smile
Is the only thing I remember from this tasteless night
You seem to good to be true

I look at you, you're dressed in white and you're walking
At your father's arm and the church is crowed with happy people
It really seems to good to be true

I look at you everyday now in the morning your angel face
As I wake up and you're still sleeping
I think again, to good to be true

I look at you're screaming, I can see the pain on your face
As you giving birth to the third of us
I seems again to good to be true

I look at you and see your back, it's the last thing I will ever see
Walking away, my child at your side
I knew it was, to good to be true


So here I am ... You finally found me
After so many rising moons

This surprise on your face ... Yeah not so easy

To see my soul in that bunch of bones

Lying here ... My big fat body shrunk to death ...
My empty brain ...

My empty brain ... Hey !... Don't step on my grave ...
Nor slander my name ... Don't step on my grave ...

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