Mother Mother : Touch Up

1. Dirty Town
Don't like living in a dirty town
Cause a dirty town gets me down
I saved up and i bought some land
Cause i can't stand living in a dirty town
Yeah i pinched my pennies and i put em down
And i washed my hands of a dirty town
Plant my seeds in the ground
Yeah i put em down in my new found land
Cause you can't plant seeds in a dirty town
No you can't plant seeds in a dirty town
I choppin' firewood choppin' firewood
Chop chop chop
Just like a country boy should be chopping wood
I country
My kindling sticks are the perfect little width
Kindling sticks
Get gone from a dirty town
Everybody now
Get gone from a dirty town
Ah-ah-ah-all i need is a chicken wire / and a chicken feed
And a ah-ah-ah-all i see is a new found land fertility, yeah!
My lady friend oh she don't need to pretend
She country
She cracks the crack on dawn with her crackin' whip
We having fun just makin' little chillun
Ch chillun
Get gone from a dirty town...
My government no he ain't made of cement
He country
We get along singing good ol' country songs
Ol' guthrie
My bank account is a shoebox in the ground
And empty
Get gone from a dirty town...
2. Polynesia
We're on the sea
We're in a ship and we are sailing by
All of the fish and all the octopi
We look them right into their octopi eyes
I'm on the sea
I caught a mermaid looking right at me
I said, "Hey, baby. Why don't you come up top?
You could flip flop while we cruise the Florida Quays."
Remember when we said,
"You gonna see us on a red ship sailing."?
We'll think of you on your solid ground
We hope you think of us out here sailing around
Sailing around, sailing around
Polynesia, Polynesia, Polynesia
Oceana, oh New Caledonia
We dropped the hook on the Capricorn
Remember when we said,
"You gonna see us with a sailor tan."?
We'll think of you and your stark white hands
Building your model ships
Wishing you were sailing around
Sailing around Sailing around
Polynesia, Polynesia, Polynesia
Oceana, oh New Caledonia
We dropped the hook on the Capricorn
3. Angry Sea
I don't want the same disease
That everybody's got these days
I don't want to live that way
I do not want to live in pain
So take your parasites away
And keep them somewhere far from me
Cuz I don't want the same disease
That everybody's got these days
I don't want to live that way
I do not want to live in pain
Another fool in history
I'll tell you what it means to me
It's nothing but lobotomy
It's nothing but an angry sea striking a wave with me
It's coming like a big freight train
It's spreading like a wild flame
You know it's coming all our ways
So dig your dirt and make your grave
Mamma save me
Come on and vaccinate me
Cuz I don't want the same disease
That everybody's got these days
I don't want to live that way
I do not want to live in pain
Another fool in history
I'll tell you what it means to me
It's nothing but lobotomy
It's nothing but an angry sea striking a wave with me
4. Oh Ana
I'll be god today
Hold my head under that bath and breathe away
Slit my wrists and watch that blood evaporate
Being this godly can't be good for Ana's safety, Ana hear me
I'll play god today
Anti up and play that god a poker game
Walk away with all our little god's spare change
Playing this god it can't be good for Ana's safety, Ana hear me
Oh Ana, I'll be with you still
You are the angel that I couldn't kill
I'll fake god today
Hop up on a cloud and watch the world decay
Ana on my shoulders and we'll laugh away
Faking this god it can't be good for Ana's safety,
Ana hear me, Ana baby, I'm not Crazy
Oh Ana, I'll be with you still
You are the angel that I couldn't kill
5. Legs Away
I got lost about an hour ago
I sailed past that fork in the road and now here I stand
A stranger in a foreign land
An empty barn and a weather vein
A picket fence that's seen its day
Oh I sit to stay cuz I don't got much to do today
I go down to the local store
I caught a glance from the local whore that she threw my way
And I still got nothing to do today
I carry on down the street
I'm looking for a place to eat, but my belly's so full
With all these things I'm hoping for, whores
And I'm wishing my legs away
Oh I'm wishing my legs away
Cuz they're taking me to no where safe
Oh, they're taking me to know where safe
An old man in a pickup truck
Says, "son are you out of luck?"
And I nod my head
I say my day is spent and my spirit's dead
He says, "come on now take a ride. You sit yourself in the passenger side and I'll go your way, cuz I don't got much to do today"
And I'm wishing my legs away
Oh I'm wishing my legs away
Cuz they're taking me to no where safe
Oh, they're taking me to know where safe
6. Love And Truth
Is my life not all that I thought it would be?
Is it simply ordinary?
Oh, is it far from all my fantasies?
I lay awake
I lay awake at night and brood
About the things I never do
And how I'm missing out on love and truth
Love and truth
Why are they so hard to achieve
Love and truth
They're such hot commodities
But come in such small quantities
Love and truth where are you?
I dance
I go out on the town and dance
I go and try to find romance
But all I come home is with empty hands
Oh, boo, hoo, hoo
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh, cha-chagrin
But all I really want is love and truth
Oh, love and truth
Why is it that I cannot find these sweet delights
Oh, love and truth
If everything was up to me
I'd make sure that there was plenty of love and truth
Love and truth where are you?
7. Train of Thought
Jump on my train
My little train of thought
Dip your tongue
Into my honey pot
I know what I have
Do you know what you got?
Jump on my train
My little train of thought
The season's shifting
From cool to hot
Jump on my train
My little train, my train of thought
The famous people
They go out looking proud
They're standing right in front
A big and lonesome crowd
The famous people
They got their demons
I got my demons
But in me she's believing
Hey, famous people
Step on my train
We'll make a movie
And it will be the real thing
Jump on my train
My little train of thought
I'm living life
To a pulse that's hot
The foolish people
They are so lovely
They got this way of doing everything politely
Hey foolish people
You foolish lot
Jump on my train
My little train, my train of thought
8. Verbatim
I wear women's underwear
And then I go to strike a pose in my full length mirror
I cross my legs just like a queer
But my libido is strong when a lady is near, ya
What defines a straight man's straight?
Is it the boxer in the briefs or a twelve ounce steak?
I tell you what a women loves most
It's a man who can slap but can also stroke
Goin' in the wind is an eddy of the truth and it's naked
It's verbatim and it's shakin'
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no more getting' elated
No more listless invitations
And every day I go out walking past its sickly windows
I see people dying there
But my tender age makes it hard to care
Incinerator and a big smoke stack
It's a phallic symbol and it makes me laugh
All I need is a heart attack
C'mon, humble my bones with a Cardiac
For the love of fuck
For the sake of Pete
Did you ever really think you'd love a guy like me?
I am the rooster in the morning
I'm the cock of the day
I'm the boxer in the briefs
I'm a twelve ounce steak
Ya, it's verbatim
And ya, and it's naked
And ya, and it's shakin'
It shakes, shakes shakes
9. Neighbour
I am your neighbor I can see you
I got these blinds that I peek through
And when you're crying
I see your tears fall down
They're making oceans
That in I
Sink and drown
I feel I know you
I feel I know you well
I've seen you go through
I've seen you go through hell
I was there when you
First let euphoria
Spill on your bed sheets
I could feel
What you felt
Do you feel used?
Well I would too, I would too
And would you use me
Like I did you?
Oh you would too
I am your neighbor
I can hear you
I got this tin can
With a string through
And when you're crying
I hear your shakin' breath
And when you're lying
I hear your heart confess
Time's slipping away
Cuz I see your moving signs everyday
You got your things in your boxes
Your oven's always cold
You'll leave me all alone with just an
Empty peep hole
Do you feel used?
Well I would too, I would too
And would you use me
Like I did you?
Oh you would too
10. Ball Cap
I like the tree tops cuz they're reaching just like me
I'm tied up in knots like the brambles and the weeds
I am the rooster in the morning
You can hear me cockadoodling
I like the people standing in the streets
Cuz they are dumb faced, dumb faced just like me
They're asking, "What we supposed to do?
We got our left foot in our right shoe."
I wear my ball cap to hide my big eyes
You wear your black dress to hide your big thighs
Oh, baby, baby, I'll lose my ball cap
Well, only if you expose your lose fat
You know that beauty's only skin deep
Well, baby, baby, come on and skin me
I like the biggins only cuz they make me look real thin
I like the tree tops cuz they're reaching just like me
I'm tied up in knots like the brambles and the weeds
I am the rooster in the morning
You can hear me cockadoodling
11. Tic Toc
All this talk, all this ticking, all this shit talk
I'm staying in bed today
And it doesn't matter what they'll have to say to me
No I do not care just what they'll have to say to me
Cuz I am not listening
Tick Tock Tick Tock Ticky Ticky Tock Ticky Ticky Toc
Goes the clock and I sit and I watch the hours go
Lying on my bed I watch this big world float
And I do not care just what they'll have to say to me
Cuz I am not listening to you
Big hand, little hand, no hand, slow hand
Sitting in my hand is the sand of a shattered hour glass
And I throw these grains of sand into the wind and laugh
And I do not care just what they'll have to say about that
Cuz the sand man told me, there's no use in listening
I am not listening to you
12. Touch Up
All my makeup it has washed off I need a touch up
Mascara all up in my eyes, chemical hair dyes and highlights
Higher than my lights, higher than highlights
My makeup, it has washed off. I need a touch up
I need a makeover dream, exfoliant cream
Irons and proteins for my size
Cucumbers on my eyes
Tenderize my thighs
Film and foam
Tanner for skin tone
Nuclear bath balm
My makeup has washed off I need a touch up
I need a touch up
Need a nip and a tuck, need to be cropped and cut
I need a touch up I need a haircut,
Need a shave and a pluck to help me get me fucked
I am a makeover queen a swan out of duckling
Ugly duckling you're drowning in makeup
My makeup has washed off
I forget that I can remember when I was young climbing up fences
Scraping my knees, dirt on my cheeks
Not one makeover queen bone in me
I recall the door bell was ringing and there were Avon ladies singing wholesale
My makeup, it has washed off
I need a touch up
13. Little Hands
My baby's gone like a flame
Put out by the rain
Water down the drain
Little face, little feet, little hands in my mind
Where I'm crying all the time
Where I'm crying all the time
Little face, little feet, little hands in my brain
Driving me insane
Driving me insane
Little face, little feet, little hands not around
No more little sounds
No more little sound
My baby's gone like a flame
Put out by the rain
Water down the drain
lyrics added by nectar_george - Modify this lyrics