Jethro Tull : Sunshine Day

Woke up this morning to look at things in their funny way.
Why can't they be like they used to be only yesterday.
Ooh, bring back my sunshine day.
I look at things that once were mine with such despair.
Why do the things I say only fall on empty air?
Ooh, bring back my sunshine day.
My mind cries: Bring back my sunshine day.
I say the things I used to say, but they don't seem right.
Why does this world seem like the darkest endless night?
Ooh, bring back my sunshine day.
Bring back my sunshine day.
Flying --- made of sticks and paper ---
Dying --- is the wind but climbing ---
my aeroplane.
Blowing, and going somewhere high ---
in the evening tumbling down ---
but it's surely been up there.
Crying --- want to live my life as
my aeroplane
Sighing in the sun's eye, but softly ---
my aeroplane.
Lonely, but only till it comes down
where there's people running round.
But it's surely been up there.
Flying --- my aeroplane.
lyrics added by thierry26740 - Modify this lyrics