Jackson Browne : Downhill From Everywhere

1. Still Looking For Something
I'm still looking for something
I'm out here under the streetlight baby, I'm
Still looking for something in the night
I might be giving up something
You don't get something for nothing, baby
Nothing you can hold up to the light
If all I find is freedom, it's alright
And I knew since I was just little
The sharp edges of the world will whittle
Your dreams down to shavings at your feet
Gonna do my best not to settle
I know it's gonna test my mettle
To keep my options open - even so I'm hoping
And I'm still looking for something
I'm way out over my due date baby, I'm
Still looking for something in the night
I know I'm headed for somewhere
We all dream about somewhere, baby
We all want to go where life is bright
You don't want to end up nowhere, but you might
And I knew since I was just little
The sharp edges of the world will whittle
Your expectations into something else
And I know beyond the tough titty
Somewhere there's a heart in the city
And I'm out here to find it, and the soulful smile behind it
And I'm still looking for something
I'm out here under the neon, baby
Still looking for something in the night
I don't mind giving up something
You don't get something for nothing, baby
You don't give up on love without a fight
If I don't find it this time it's alright
Gonna keep my options open - even though I'm hoping
For something I can hold up to the light
Don't know that I'll find it, or the soulful smile behind it
If all I find is freedom, it's alright
2. My Cleveland Heart
I'm going to make a few changes right away
The way I leap and the way I fall
The way I need somebody else's eyes to see me
The way I need anyone at all
But I expect the real changes to start
When I finally get my Cleveland Heart
They're made to take a bashin'
And never lose their passion
They never break
They don't even beat
And they don't ache
They just plug in and shine
Don't make mistakes
And they don't know defeat
Like my heart makes
Like this broken heart of mine
I've been walkin' that broken line between
The way life is and the way it seems
I've been stranded on that endless straightaway
Between the truth and my wildest dreams
But I will no longer need to tell them apart
When I've finally got my Cleveland Heart
They just keep on hopin'
And stay so big and open
They never break
They don't even beat
And they don't ache
They just plug in and shine
Don't make mistakes
And they don't know defeat
Like my heart makes
Like this broken heart of mine
3. Minutes To Downtown
No, I wasn't looking for a door into the morning again
No, I wasn't thinking you would ever be more than a friend
The years I've seen that fell between my date of birth and yours
Fade before the altered shore of a river changing course
No, I didn't think that I would ever feel this way again
No, not with a story this long and this close to the end
And though I try to fathom why home feels strange to me
More and more the other shore is what I need to see
Minutes slip away, minutes become days
Minutes to Downtown, minutes to the Coast Highway
Forever on this freeway dreaming of my getaway
Don't know how I'm still in LA
Now, there may be nothing left for us
But what pleasure can teach
Now, deep in the moment with the future so out of reach
I see that smile and even while it breaks my heart I laugh
That's because this heart was already torn in half
Minutes slip away, minutes become days
Minutes to Downtown, minutes to the Coast Highway
And I'm out on this freeway, still plotting my getaway
Don't know how I'm still in LA
4. A Human Touch
You can call it a decision
I say it's how we're made
There's no point in shouting from your island
Proclaiming only Jesus saves
There will always be suffering
There will always be pain
But because of it there will always be love
And love we know it will remain
Everybody gets lonely
Feel like it's all too much
Reaching out for some connection
Or maybe just their own reflection
Not everybody finds it
Not like the two of us
Sometimes all anybody needs is a human touch
Everybody wants a holiday
Everybody wants to feel the sun
Get outside and run around
Live like they're forever young
Everybody wants to be beautiful
And live life their own way
No one ever wants to let it go
No matter what they do or say
Everybody gets lonely
Feel like it's all too much
Reaching out for some connection
Or maybe it's just their own reflection
Not everybody finds it
Not like the two of us
Sometimes all anybody needs is a human touch
5. Love Is Love
Here on the distant sunny shore of an island
All the troubles of the world seem far away
But here, on the broken city streets of the island
People work and live and love and struggle every day
Here on the Creole speaking side of the island
They say “Ou fe twop ti moun deja pa fe pitit anko"
Or in the truthful way they have of speaking on the island
“You have too many kids already, don’t make any more”
But love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Menaj mwe is the finest girl who ever walked this island
Even when - especially when – she’s walking away
Something in her smile lets me believe in tomorrow
Even though life is next to impossible today
Maybe we won’t be in each other’s eyes forever
Maybe all we can do is hold each other, and say
Love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Rick rides a motorbike through the worst slums of the city
The father and the doctor to the poorest of the poor
Raising up the future from the rubble of the past
Here they say - L’espua fe viv – Hope makes life
Love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Love is love, love is love
Love is love - Lanmou se lanmou
Here on this island, island of hope
Here we are home, lanmou se lanmou
Never alone on this island of hope
Here we are home, lanmou se lanmou
6. Downhill From Everywhere
Downhill from the prison, downhill from the mall
Downhill from the factory farm and the hospital Downhill from the border wall
Downhill from the high school, downhill from the gym
Downhill from the church and the stadium Downhill from the baby's room
Downhill from the office, downhill from the bar
Downhill from the theme park and the family car Downhill from happy hour
Downhill from everywhere, downhill from all you see
The ocean is downhill from gravity
Downhill from here, downhill from everywhere
Downhill from all of humanity
Downhill from the silver screen
Downhill from the Anthropocene
Downhill from the vineyard, downhill from the mine
Downhill from the fruited plain and the bottom line Downhill from Columbine
Downhill from the racetrack, downhill from the news
Downhill from the sponsors and the camera crews Downhill from the born to lose
Downhill from God's golden shore
Downhill from the grocery store
Downhill from the Senate floor
K street, and the never ending war
Downhill from everywhere, downhill from all you see
The ocean is the last stop for gravity
Downhill from here, downhill from everywhere
And all mankind's ambition and vanity
Do you think of the ocean as yours?
Because you need the ocean to breathe
Every second breath you take is coming from the sea
And we don't really know, because we don't really see
Do you think of the ocean as yours?
Do you think about it at all?
Downhill from the campus, downhill from the loan Downhill from the funeral home
Downhill from the laptop, downhill from the trolls Downhill from the Russian doll
Downhill from the NRA
Downhill from the GOP
Downhill from the ICE,
And your huddled masses yearning to be free
7. The Dreamer
Just a child when she crossed the border
To reunite with her father
Who had travelled North to support her
So many years before
She left half her family behind her
And with a crucifix to remind her
She pledged her future to this land
And does the best that she can do
¿Adónde van los sueños?
Nacidos de la fe y la ilusión
Donde no hay camino ni huella
Solo deseos que susurran al corazón
Eagles fly on columns of the wind Viviendo en el viento
Fish swim the currents of the sea Qúe libre, el mar
People cross oceans and deserts and rivers Cruzamos el río
Carrying nothing more than the dream of what life could be
Today she got the order
They're taking steps to deport her
To send her back over the border
And tear her away from the life she has made
We don't see half the people around us
But we see enemies who surround us
And the walls that we've built between us
Keep us prisoners of our fear
¿Adónde van los sueños? Where do the dreams go?
Nacidos de la fe y la ilusión Born of faith and illusion
Donde no hay camino ni huella Where there's no road and no footprint
Solo deseos que susurran al corazón Only desire that whispers to the heart
Solo deseos que susurran al corazón Only desire that whispers to the heart
Solo deseos que susurran al corazón
8. Until Justice Is Real
Ain't on your TV, ain't on your phone
You want the truth you got to find it on your own
It may not be that easy to see
The truth is going to cost you in the land of the free
It's a good question to be asking yourself
What is the good life, what is wealth?
What is the future I'm trying to see?
What does that future need from me?
Time rolling away, time like a river, time like a train,
Time like a fuse burning shorter every day
Maybe you knew it when you were young
Not that much distance between you and the sun
But now you're wiser and you're afraid
You see the stakes, and the mistakes that have been made
It's a good question to be asking yourself
What is well being, what is health?
What is illusion and what is true?
What is my purpose - what can I do?
Time rolling away, time like a river, time like a train
Time like a fuse burning shorter every day
Ain't no directions, there ain't no map
Ain't no instructions, and you know there ain't no app
You want power? You'll need help.
Look to each other and you find it in yourself
It's a good question to be asking right now
What'll you put up with - what'll you allow?
What is the color, the color of change?
What is the reason these times are so strange?
What is democracy? What is the deal?
What would it look like? How would it feel?
Putting your shoulder to the wheel
Keeping it turning until justice is real
Time rolling away, time like a river, time like a train
Time like a fuse burning shorter every day
What is democracy? What is the deal?
What would it look like? How would it feel?
Putting your shoulder to the wheel
And staying with it until justice -
Until justice is real
9. A Little Soon To Say
I came for inspiration, I came looking for Grace
And found my reflection in every passing face
And everyone who gathered, standing on that shore
Searching the horizon, not knowing what exactly for
Searching the horizon for what we can't quite see
When all we've ever needed
Has been there all along inside of you and me
I want to see you holding out your light
I want to see you light the way
But whether everything will be alright -
It's just a little soon to say
I didn't find much wisdom when time was on my side
Too little information, too much time to decide
I took a couple wrong turns - it only takes you one
To send you down a lifetime
Of wondering what you might have done
Searching for a lifetime for what you want to see
When all we've ever needed has been there all along
Inside of you and me
I want to see you holding out your light
I want to see you find your way
Beyond the sirens and the broken night
Beyond the sickness of our day
And after what we've come to live with
I want to know if you're ok
I've got to think it's going to be alright
It's just a little soon to say
I came for inspiration, I came looking for truth
And joined in celebration, the passing of my youth
We're here but for a moment and none of us can see
Beyond the horizon - what kind of world this world will be
Searching the horizon for what we hope to see
When all we've ever needed has been there all along
Inside of you and me
I want to see you holding out your light
I want to see you light the way
Beyond the sirens and the broken night
Beyond the sickness of our day
And after all we've come to live with
I want to know if you're ok
I want to think it's going to be alright
It's just a little soon to say
10. A Song For Barcelona
I think I must have lost my way a long, long time ago
Somewhere in the distance between love and business
I don't know
I didn't have that far to go to find my pleasure though
Lovers like islands in an archipelago
Set in a sea of time, love is a place you find
Where when two people rhyme they begin to grow
Learning the other ninety-nine words for snow
This is a song for Barcelona, city of gravity and light
City that gave me back my fire, and restored my appetite
I hear the sounds of youth up all night in the plaza
Under the sleepless eyes of the grandmothers
On the terrassa
In the streets of Gràcia, and on the Ramblas
I see the searching eyes and youthful bodies pass
And my own vanished youth becomes my central truth
Though I no longer care, the truth is everywhere
That soon the world I love will no longer be anywhere
This is a song for Barcelona, city of Gaudí and Jujol
City that ignited my desire, and temporarily, my soul
They come from Ireland, they come from Africa
They come from the US, they come from Canada
They come from Norway, they come from China
They come from Uruguay, and from Bulgaria
They come for pleasure, they come for freedom
For the chance encounter - or the revelation
They come for business, or for adventure
And fall in love with the information
About the world, and about each other
They dream, and when they wake up
They're not in Spain anymore
This is a song for Barcelona, for architecture and futból
And for the streets that gave me refuge
In my escape from rock and roll
Una cançó per Barcelona, per respecte i futur
Per justícia i la terra - ara som sis milions i un
(A song for Barcelona, for respect and the future
For justice and homeland – now we are six million and one)
Via Laietana, Gran Via,
Urquinaona, Tarragona, El Paral.lel,
Torrent de l’Olla, Carrer de l’Or, o Encarnació,
Plaça del Sol, Plaça del Tripi, Passeig del Born,
Sant Pere Més Alt, Sant Pere Més Baix,
Carrer Robadors, Carrer Escudellers,
Carrer del Mar, Carrer Verdi,
Pintor Fortuny, Mercat dels Encants,
Portal de l'Ángel
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