Dredg : Leitmotf

1. Symbol Song
He said: patience is the key to
For a change to ensue
Warm the arctic cold
And drop down
To the ground
Wait for the sound
Of the cold
Take these words
You'll have your day
Live it as your last
He said: love will build your heart and
Bring you up from the sand
Now i wish to go, and settle
Pray for reform
It's all we are
It's all we are
Take these words
Be on your way
You will find your
He said: faith, distrust, and reason
With this you'll be kneeling
Before the world
And drop down
To the ground
It's all we are
It's all we are
Take these words
Be on your way
You will find your
2. Movement I: @45 Degrees N, 180 Degrees W
3. Lechium
Yes take time
To realize what you have
Yes i did
But suspended
And now i hang
Beneath the ground that we have made
For us
To walk on.
See me now
Crawl away, crawl away
See me now
Crawl away
Yes take time
To realize what you have
But descended
And now i swim
Beneath currents of hope and faith
Now it is time
To surface.
See me now
Crawl away, crawl away
See me now
Crawl with me
Belive me now
Crawl away, crawl away
Come crawl with me
4. Movement II: Crosswind Minuet
5. Traversing Through The Artic Cold We Search For The Spirit Of Yuta - Intermission
6. Movement III: Lyndon
7. Penguins In The Desert
So you say,
so you say it right.
So you say,
so you say it right.
Waiting Below the sun,
getting brighter.(?)
Downstairs I dwell.
So you say,
so you say it right.
So you say,
So you say.
Ceiling slowly squeezing me tighter,
I'll lay down, but won't run
Hoping now, that this can get brigter,
and that time will come.
So you say,
so you say it right.
So you say,
So you say.
the river is damned,
I can't recorrect my path.
Through this obstructed venture,
it isn't flowing yet.
Caught in his stare,
electricity travels, through my wires where,
they're reaching for it's core, electricity.
Feeling sorry for yourself again
8. Movement IV: RR
9. Yatahaze
building us up
tearing me down
lifted back up we are climbing
all of this time
drifting right back to the ground
suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly
questioning, and saying
our opinions, they're failing
they're constantly changing
our ignorance, remaining
we're hoping, and waiting
we're living, but dying
while tring to find out
my meaning isn't planned out
come to the conclusion
might as well be an illusion
while trying to find out
i did nothing, but shut out
10. Movement V: 90 Hour Sleep
lyrics added by vivabardamu - Modify this lyrics