Blondie : Rip Her to Shreds

Hey! Psst PSST! Here she comes now.
Oh, you know her, would you look at that hair
Yeah, you know her, check out those shoes
She looks like she stepped out of the middle of somebody's Blues.
She looks like the Sunday comics
She thinks she's Brenda Starr
Her nose job is real atomic
All she needs is an old knife scar.
Yeah, she's so dull, come on rip her to shreds
She's so dull, come on rip her to shreds.
Oh, you know her, "Miss Groupie Supreme"
Yeah, you know her, "Vera Vogue" on parade
Red eye shadow! Green mascara!
Yuck! She's too much.
She looks like she don't know better
A case of partial extreme
Dressed in a Robert Hall sweater
Acting like a soap opera queen.
Yeah, she's so dull, come on rip her to shreds
She's so dull, come on rip her to shreds.
She got the nerve to tell me she's not on it
But her expression is too serene
Yeah, she looks like she washes with Comet
Always looking to create a scene.
Yeah, she's so dull, come on rip her to shreds
She's so dull, come on rip her to shreds
She's so dull. Rip her to shreds.
Oh, you know her, "Miss Groupie Supreme"
Yeah, you know her, "Vera Vogue" on parade
Yeah, you know her, with the fish-eating grin
She's so dull.
Yeah, she got the nerve to tell me!
Huh, she's so dull
Yeah, there she goes now
She making out with King Kong
She take her boat to Hong Kong
Well, bye bye sugar
And not a minute too soon.
Darlin' darlin' darlin'
I can't wait to see you
Your picture ain't enough
I can't wait to touch you in the flesh
Darlin' darlin' darlin'
I can't wait to hear you
Remembering your love
Is nothing without you in the flesh.
Went walking one day on the lower East side
Met you with a girlfriend, you were so divine
She said, "Hands off this one sweetie, this boy is mine."
I couldn't resist you - I'm not deaf, dumb, and blind.
Darlin' darlin' darlin'
Now you're out of town
Those girls that you run with
They bring my head down
Ooh Darlin' darlin'
Watch out if I see you
'Cause if you say hello
It'll mean you wanna see me in the flesh.
Ooh warm and soft, in the flesh
Ooh close and hot, in the flesh
I saw you standing on the corner, you looked so big and fine.
I really wanted to go out with you, so when you smiled,
I laid my heart on the line
You read me my rights and then you said "Let's go" and nothing more
I thought of my nights, and how they were
They were filled with.
I know you wouldn't go
You'd watch my heart burst then you'd step in
I had to know so I asked
You just had to laugh.
We sat in the night with my hands cuffed at my side
I look at your life and your style
I wanted nothing more
I know you wouldn't go
You'd watch my heart burst then you'd step in
I had to know so I asked
You just had to laugh.
Walking the line, you were a marksman
Told me that law, like wine, is ageless
Public defender
You had to admit
You wanted the love of a sex offender.
I know you wouldn't go
You'd watch my heart burst then you'd step in
I had to know so I asked
You just had to laugh.
My vision in blue, I call you from inside my cell
And in the trial, you were there
With your badge and rubber boots.
I think all the time how I'm going to perpetrate love with you
And when I get out, there's no doubt I'll be sex offensive To you.
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