Anti-Flag : Die for the Government

Les paroles
You think you're oh so different
Well, you'd do the
Same as me, yeah
You're just a hypocrite
When you make fun of me
You'd do the same
Well, you've done it now
You've blown your ride
Wasting your time
Is all your time
You'd do the same
Don't look down
You'd do the same..
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
There's a Gulf War vet, dying a slow, cold death
And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness."
But don't believe what they say, because your government is Lying
They've done it before and don't you know they'll do it again
A secret test, government built virus
"Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troops"
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
First World War veterans slaughtered, by General Eisenhower
You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back
Radiation, agent orange, tested on US souls
Guinea pigs for Western corporations
I never have, I never will
Pledge allegiance to their flag
You're getting used, you'll end up dead!
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
I don't need you to tell me what to do
And I don't need you to tell me what to be... FUCK YOU!
I don't need you to tell me what to say
And I don't need you to tell me what to think! What to Think!
What to think, what to think, what to think, think, think, Think!
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
Gulp, gulp, gulp
Gulp, gulp, gulp i want to drink more beer until i puke.
Drink drank punk {x4}
I'm so cool i can drink so much i can drink more than you.
Drink drank punk {x4}
Met a girl at the bar oh she was a 10 at 2:00 i gave her Four stars oh i took her home she spent the night oh at 10:00 am she was a fright some old guy bought me some Alcohol we got drunk at the mall.
Drink drank punk {x4}
Mom's gonna get us at the mall oh in a drunken stupor hope Don't fall oh i chew on a big wad of gum oh mom won't Notice, she's old and dumb.
Drink drank punk {x4}
All you punkers with your
No Future dreams
Follow Johnny Rotten
And all our preset beliefs
Following society
Be what they want you to be
Drunk and Quiet
"There's no future for me."
Impatience with society
Be what they want you to be
Impatience "there's no future here"
"I'm not lazy I just don't care"
Of course there is no future
when you make sure there is none
Impatience "time is wasting,
There is No Future to be won"
If you truly don't care,
Then why talk No Future
Excuses hang like nooses
"I've given up I just don't care"
Impatience with society
Be what they want you to be
Impatience "there's no future here"
"I'm not lazy I just don't care"
Of course you'll bring no change
When you sit home on your couch
We need to stand up and fight
Bring our future to a start
We can change anything just as
Long as we take the time
Generations, generations, generations...
They're not the same
Impatience with society
Be what they want you to be
Impatience "there's no future here"
"I'm not lazy I just don't care"
You know I feel so violent,
Just want to break some glass,
Every day I pray it'll be my last
Turning to a blank wall wondering what to do?
Turning to a caliber .22
Every day he starts the same old fight.
And every day it just gets worse by night.
If I hit the streets I think I'll be alright.
But until I do, I won't be safe tonight.
Safe tonight
Every day I remember all that lead to this.
And every day don't ya know I get
A little more pissed.
Banging on myself because I just don't care.
There's nothing left for me back there
He's twisted and violent,
I don't know what to do.
I left there for the streets last night
Thinking only of you, be safe tonight
Safe tonight
It all falls down on to me, like a baseball bat.
It hurts me, haunts me, hurts me, haunts me
I never want to go back.
I'm twisted tonight, and I don't know what to do?
I'm twisted tonight, I want to be with
You, I want to be with you,
I want to be with you, be with, be with, be with you..
Safe tonight
They use the flag to control us
Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves
Programs our minds by
Controlling what we learn
The only difference from the nazis is that
Someone tried to stop them
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The government says they're working for us
Just as long as we increase their pay
But the minute they get into
Office we're a has-been
A yesterday
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The red stands for the
Blood of all the people
We've slain
The white for this racist, bigoted foundation
The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty
Empty because you're taught to
Bow down to the man
"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"
"Do what you can for your country"
Go and fight their wars for them
"They're not following in our footsteps,
Kill them!
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
They call that being a patriot
I just call it ignorant
If you don't fight to make things better
Then you're the one betraying the country
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
They use the flag to control us
Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves
Programs our minds by
Controlling what we learn
The only difference from the nazis is that
Someone tried to stop them
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The government says they're working for us
Just as long as we increase their pay
But the minute they get into
Office we're a has-been
A yesterday
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The red stands for the
Blood of all the people
We've slain
The white for this racist, bigoted foundation
The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty
Empty because you're taught to
Bow down to the man
"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"
"Do what you can for your country"
Go and fight their wars for them
"They're not following in our footsteps,
Kill them!"
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
They call that being a patriot
I just call it ignorant
If you don't fight to make things better
Then you're the one betraying the country
Red white and brainwashed (x10)
He thinks because he's got spikes on his
Leather, that he's the punkest, he thinks
He's better! He walks around with his
Nose in the air, the only thing bigger
Than his ego is his hair
He thinks that uniform he's wearing is a
Good excuse for his snobby glaring
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
He thinks that uniform he's wearing
Makes him a punk, yeah
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
I don't know when punk became a uniform
I always thought that uniforms were
For the army
But I guess he's right he's got punk rock
Hair, he paid a fortune for his gear
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
He thinks that uniform he's wearing,
Makes him a punk, yeah
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
We've got to try to stick together! Oi!
Oi! We're not supposed to fight each
Other Oi! Oi! Stand against the government
But stand up for ourselves Oi! Oi!
If this ignorance continues punk will be
Lost on book shelves Oi! Oi!
What happened to punk rock kids uniting,
Now we're competing, now we're fighting
He drives the younger kids away
Sacrificing us for his image, punk rock
Kids will pay
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
He thinks that uniform he's wearing
Makes him a punk, yeah
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
It's already destroyed.....
Hey, we're rolling, hey..
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
I think I hear your Mommy callin'
On your cellular phone
She said your dad wants his car back
So you'd better come home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
You got no money for
The punk rock show
It's delagated for a beer and a ho
Spitting, pissing,
Cumming, and shitting
So you have cool clothes
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
I see you sitting on the
Boulevard with your tired
And pissed off stare
Tellin' everyone your
Hard luck story, and what
landed you here
You think of mommy and
Daddy out in their safe
Suburban home
And you know that's where
You're gonna be when you
Start to feel the cold
I'm saying poser go home
Poser squatter go home
Summer squatter go home
Poser squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Summer squatter go home
Go go go go go go dancer
Go go go go go go dancer
I was talking to this girl before a show
Does she like me? I don't know
I asked her to go out on Saturday night
She said "OK that would be alright"
Then she left she had to go to work
She gave me her number she said,
"I feel like a jerk."
I asked her if she'd dance for a song
She said she'd be dancing all night long
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little fast kids Go-Go-Go
She didn't tell me she danced in a cage
Hanging high above the stage
I worked my way closer with a push and a shove
Before I knew it I was in love
I waited every second until Saturday night
I took her to dinner things were going alright
Then we went out dancing went to have some fun
We danced and we danced - danced all night long
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
Go go go go go go dancer
Go go go go go go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
The Berlin Wall falls in the East
The West claims triumph, "We've really got 'em beat!"
Politicans from the West claim the police state's dead
But what of the police state in the West?
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.
The government controls everything you do
With police and the feds watching over you
You try to stand against them and you'll end up dead
As your front door is smashed in by the ATF
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.
One, two, thre, four
Your television screen shows the feds most wanted
But do you truly know why these men are being hunted?
It's a big brother state it's the same as the East
The cops protect the rich and corporate elite
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.
Covered in leather, or plaid
Patches, or metal studs
Your hair is dyed or spiked with glue
You only talk to those who look
And act the way you do
Cause you think you're so fuckin' cool
Punk. Punk. Punk.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
You say that punk to you
Is what's in your mind not
What you
wear, but you know you're so full of shit
You scoff at how the cops
Treat you, but they're no
Worse than
Dicks like you! I just can't
Understand what you're
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
You're punk by the book...Hey! Hey!
You're punk by the book...Hey! Hey!
You're punk by the book! Book!
A bunch of punks hangin' out on the streets before a show
Patty wagon pulls up -instinct- "run man, let's just go!"
Cop chases them through the streets and then they go inside
They run into a show where maybe they can hide
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
He hides just standing in the crowd there's nowhere he can Run
The cop comes up behind him and cracks him with a gun
Drags his bloody ass outside and throws him to the ground
"There's nowhere left to take you boy you're already Downtown"
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
But the cops can do no wrong
They can kill, they can rape, they can do what they want,
But the cops can do no wrong
We've got to fight, take back the right,
The cops are just like hitler's third reich, do what they Want
Who do we fear? who do we trust? how do we know?
Who do we fear? who do we trust? how do we know?
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality! {x8}
Oh say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hail
At the twilight's last gleaming
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
They said there's drug dealers selling on my streets
Those fuckers capped me three times in the feet
I've got two slugs embedded in my chest
Two hollow points from the nations best
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
They call me on the phone when i'm home alone
They ask for the marines but
They're just a bunch of whores
They spend their money on hotels just so they can tell
Tell mr. president that i'm jerking off
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a. c.i.a.
A billionaire chatting with his friends
They've gotta stop and laugh
"We've really got those suckers fooled,
We've gotta 'em trained like rats!"
The riches plot, control your
Thoughts, to make you blame
"The rich are rich because
They're smarter than me.."
You're taught this is right,
That it's your fault
Kill, kill, kill!!! (x4)
They throw a war like a party saying,
"It's for a moral cause.."
Telling you if you're a patriot that
"You better do what we're told!"
You burn a flag, you're gonna hang,
Brainwashed nationalism makes you a tool
They're getting rich by selling
Weapons to both countries,
You never think to question what you're told!
Kill, kill, kill!!! (x4)
They're gonna give you nothing
They want to take way the
Little they call something
You know you're being used still you play along
If you're not complacent,
You're doing something wrong
One day they'll push to far
That marks the beginning of their end
We'll being them crashing down
Until they're all dead
They're all dead, they're all dead!
The time is growing near..
Put the trigger to the man...
Ok, let's go, kill 'em!
Kill, kill, kill!!! (x6)
Why don't you come over here and
See what you've created
It'll make you laugh so hard you'll cry
And lookin' into the black you
Make me so far past sick
Lookin' into your eyes I wish you'd die
No more dead
No more dead
Two, three, four
Well I've seen the crosses burnt and holy
And the people they all come
Down they're screaming
"Hey man, it's a fix!"
And I looked into the cause
In which, you were striving
And I thought, though of the
Wasted, the wasted youth..
No more dead
No more dead
No more dead dead dead
No more dead
No more dead
No more dead
No more dead dead dead
No more dead
He's lying all alone
His life is stolen, yes it's gone
Into the black of the night
Can't you see it was no fault
Of his own
Trapped in a slum, bred into a slum,
Killing his own instead of rich white men
And he's never gonna escape from it now,
Because it's over, and he's dead
The end
She's always askin' him what he wants to do
How many times does he have to
Say, he's fuckin' confused
He'd run away but there's nowhere else to run
Why do they try to conform us
We just wanna have fun
We gotta fight fight fight
Fight for our Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
"Why don't you go to school? You need to grow up"
They're so infatuated like growing up
Is something you shoot up
Some girls my age they want to have a baby
Some of them wanna get
Married...they're fucking crazy
We gotta fight fight fight
Fight for our Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Adults try to bring us up to be and act like them
If we don't act alike discard and try again
There is no room deep in their
Eyes for an individual
"Conform" and "stand in line"
Make sure you fit the mold
It's alright to grow old, to mature and become wise
Too bad all they seem to want
Is to die in ignorance
"Straighten your back, straighten
Your face and lose your grin"
"It's time to be serious, think
Hard but always give in"
"You are the inferior, open your
Eyes and close your mouth"
"Grow up to be just like me watch
And follow with no doubt"
Train children just like a dog
"Try not to get in the way"
"When I talk you should obey"
"Try not to get in the way"
It's not a war
What are you fighting for
Life's not a war
There's no need to conform
We need help but not every day
There's no need, no need to use force
We need help but not in every single way
We don't need utter control
"Why don't you go to school? You need to grow up"
Like growing up is something you can shoot up
All of us we'd run away but where would we go?
Just loosen your grip on our leash
You don't have to let go
We gotta fight fight fight
Fight for our Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
All you ever do is brag about your dad
Well what the motherfucking hell did he ever do?
He had some money, I guess he was fucking rich
Yeah, well if you ask me I think your dad was a fucking dick
He was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
He was a brainwashed, scum fucker,
Wasted mother fucking piece of shit
Your daddy made a lot of fucking money,
I guess that means he was a real fucking honey?
Yeah more like your dad was just a motherfucking scumbag
Who had to stick a needle in his dick to get high
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a scumbag, motherfucker,
Fuckhead, asshole, piece of shit
He was a whore, a fuckin's rich piece of whore
Oh yeah, daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy
daddy daddy daddy
Your dady was rich man
I said you daddy was a rich man rich man rich man
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a rich man rich man rich man
Your daddy's fucking dead
You think you're oh so different
Well, you'd do the
Same as me, yeah
You're just a hypocrite
When you make fun of me
You'd do the same
Well, you've done it now
You've blown your ride
Wasting your time
Is all your time
You'd do the same
Don't look down
You'd do the same..
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
There's a Gulf War vet, dying a slow, cold death
And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness."
But don't believe what they say, because your government is Lying
They've done it before and don't you know they'll do it again
A secret test, government built virus
"Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troops"
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
First World War veterans slaughtered, by General Eisenhower
You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back
Radiation, agent orange, tested on US souls
Guinea pigs for Western corporations
I never have, I never will
Pledge allegiance to their flag
You're getting used, you'll end up dead!
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
I don't need you to tell me what to do
And I don't need you to tell me what to be... FUCK YOU!
I don't need you to tell me what to say
And I don't need you to tell me what to think! What to Think!
What to think, what to think, what to think, think, think, Think!
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit!
Gulp, gulp, gulp
Gulp, gulp, gulp i want to drink more beer until i puke.
Drink drank punk {x4}
I'm so cool i can drink so much i can drink more than you.
Drink drank punk {x4}
Met a girl at the bar oh she was a 10 at 2:00 i gave her Four stars oh i took her home she spent the night oh at 10:00 am she was a fright some old guy bought me some Alcohol we got drunk at the mall.
Drink drank punk {x4}
Mom's gonna get us at the mall oh in a drunken stupor hope Don't fall oh i chew on a big wad of gum oh mom won't Notice, she's old and dumb.
Drink drank punk {x4}
All you punkers with your
No Future dreams
Follow Johnny Rotten
And all our preset beliefs
Following society
Be what they want you to be
Drunk and Quiet
"There's no future for me."
Impatience with society
Be what they want you to be
Impatience "there's no future here"
"I'm not lazy I just don't care"
Of course there is no future
when you make sure there is none
Impatience "time is wasting,
There is No Future to be won"
If you truly don't care,
Then why talk No Future
Excuses hang like nooses
"I've given up I just don't care"
Impatience with society
Be what they want you to be
Impatience "there's no future here"
"I'm not lazy I just don't care"
Of course you'll bring no change
When you sit home on your couch
We need to stand up and fight
Bring our future to a start
We can change anything just as
Long as we take the time
Generations, generations, generations...
They're not the same
Impatience with society
Be what they want you to be
Impatience "there's no future here"
"I'm not lazy I just don't care"
You know I feel so violent,
Just want to break some glass,
Every day I pray it'll be my last
Turning to a blank wall wondering what to do?
Turning to a caliber .22
Every day he starts the same old fight.
And every day it just gets worse by night.
If I hit the streets I think I'll be alright.
But until I do, I won't be safe tonight.
Safe tonight
Every day I remember all that lead to this.
And every day don't ya know I get
A little more pissed.
Banging on myself because I just don't care.
There's nothing left for me back there
He's twisted and violent,
I don't know what to do.
I left there for the streets last night
Thinking only of you, be safe tonight
Safe tonight
It all falls down on to me, like a baseball bat.
It hurts me, haunts me, hurts me, haunts me
I never want to go back.
I'm twisted tonight, and I don't know what to do?
I'm twisted tonight, I want to be with
You, I want to be with you,
I want to be with you, be with, be with, be with you..
Safe tonight
They use the flag to control us
Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves
Programs our minds by
Controlling what we learn
The only difference from the nazis is that
Someone tried to stop them
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The government says they're working for us
Just as long as we increase their pay
But the minute they get into
Office we're a has-been
A yesterday
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The red stands for the
Blood of all the people
We've slain
The white for this racist, bigoted foundation
The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty
Empty because you're taught to
Bow down to the man
"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"
"Do what you can for your country"
Go and fight their wars for them
"They're not following in our footsteps,
Kill them!
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
They call that being a patriot
I just call it ignorant
If you don't fight to make things better
Then you're the one betraying the country
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
They use the flag to control us
Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves
Programs our minds by
Controlling what we learn
The only difference from the nazis is that
Someone tried to stop them
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The government says they're working for us
Just as long as we increase their pay
But the minute they get into
Office we're a has-been
A yesterday
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
The red stands for the
Blood of all the people
We've slain
The white for this racist, bigoted foundation
The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty
Empty because you're taught to
Bow down to the man
"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"
"Do what you can for your country"
Go and fight their wars for them
"They're not following in our footsteps,
Kill them!"
Red white and brainwashed (x4)
They call that being a patriot
I just call it ignorant
If you don't fight to make things better
Then you're the one betraying the country
Red white and brainwashed (x10)
He thinks because he's got spikes on his
Leather, that he's the punkest, he thinks
He's better! He walks around with his
Nose in the air, the only thing bigger
Than his ego is his hair
He thinks that uniform he's wearing is a
Good excuse for his snobby glaring
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
He thinks that uniform he's wearing
Makes him a punk, yeah
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
I don't know when punk became a uniform
I always thought that uniforms were
For the army
But I guess he's right he's got punk rock
Hair, he paid a fortune for his gear
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
He thinks that uniform he's wearing,
Makes him a punk, yeah
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
We've got to try to stick together! Oi!
Oi! We're not supposed to fight each
Other Oi! Oi! Stand against the government
But stand up for ourselves Oi! Oi!
If this ignorance continues punk will be
Lost on book shelves Oi! Oi!
What happened to punk rock kids uniting,
Now we're competing, now we're fighting
He drives the younger kids away
Sacrificing us for his image, punk rock
Kids will pay
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
He thinks that uniform he's wearing
Makes him a punk, yeah
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
Davey destroyed the punk scene
It's already destroyed.....
Hey, we're rolling, hey..
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
I think I hear your Mommy callin'
On your cellular phone
She said your dad wants his car back
So you'd better come home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
You got no money for
The punk rock show
It's delagated for a beer and a ho
Spitting, pissing,
Cumming, and shitting
So you have cool clothes
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
I see you sitting on the
Boulevard with your tired
And pissed off stare
Tellin' everyone your
Hard luck story, and what
landed you here
You think of mommy and
Daddy out in their safe
Suburban home
And you know that's where
You're gonna be when you
Start to feel the cold
I'm saying poser go home
Poser squatter go home
Summer squatter go home
Poser squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Summer squatter go home
Go go go go go go dancer
Go go go go go go dancer
I was talking to this girl before a show
Does she like me? I don't know
I asked her to go out on Saturday night
She said "OK that would be alright"
Then she left she had to go to work
She gave me her number she said,
"I feel like a jerk."
I asked her if she'd dance for a song
She said she'd be dancing all night long
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little fast kids Go-Go-Go
She didn't tell me she danced in a cage
Hanging high above the stage
I worked my way closer with a push and a shove
Before I knew it I was in love
I waited every second until Saturday night
I took her to dinner things were going alright
Then we went out dancing went to have some fun
We danced and we danced - danced all night long
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
Go go go go go go dancer
Go go go go go go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my little go-go dancer
She's my fast kids Go-Go-Go
The Berlin Wall falls in the East
The West claims triumph, "We've really got 'em beat!"
Politicans from the West claim the police state's dead
But what of the police state in the West?
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.
The government controls everything you do
With police and the feds watching over you
You try to stand against them and you'll end up dead
As your front door is smashed in by the ATF
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.
One, two, thre, four
Your television screen shows the feds most wanted
But do you truly know why these men are being hunted?
It's a big brother state it's the same as the East
The cops protect the rich and corporate elite
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.
Police State in the U.S.A.
Facism with a friendly face
Police State in the U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.
Covered in leather, or plaid
Patches, or metal studs
Your hair is dyed or spiked with glue
You only talk to those who look
And act the way you do
Cause you think you're so fuckin' cool
Punk. Punk. Punk.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
You say that punk to you
Is what's in your mind not
What you
wear, but you know you're so full of shit
You scoff at how the cops
Treat you, but they're no
Worse than
Dicks like you! I just can't
Understand what you're
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
Punk by the book.
Book. Book. Book.
You're punk by the book...Hey! Hey!
You're punk by the book...Hey! Hey!
You're punk by the book! Book!
A bunch of punks hangin' out on the streets before a show
Patty wagon pulls up -instinct- "run man, let's just go!"
Cop chases them through the streets and then they go inside
They run into a show where maybe they can hide
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
He hides just standing in the crowd there's nowhere he can Run
The cop comes up behind him and cracks him with a gun
Drags his bloody ass outside and throws him to the ground
"There's nowhere left to take you boy you're already Downtown"
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality!
But the cops can do no wrong
They can kill, they can rape, they can do what they want,
But the cops can do no wrong
We've got to fight, take back the right,
The cops are just like hitler's third reich, do what they Want
Who do we fear? who do we trust? how do we know?
Who do we fear? who do we trust? how do we know?
Fuck police fuck police fuck police brutality! {x8}
Oh say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hail
At the twilight's last gleaming
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
They said there's drug dealers selling on my streets
Those fuckers capped me three times in the feet
I've got two slugs embedded in my chest
Two hollow points from the nations best
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
They call me on the phone when i'm home alone
They ask for the marines but
They're just a bunch of whores
They spend their money on hotels just so they can tell
Tell mr. president that i'm jerking off
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a.
I'm being watched i'm being watched
I'm being watched by the c.i.a. c.i.a.
A billionaire chatting with his friends
They've gotta stop and laugh
"We've really got those suckers fooled,
We've gotta 'em trained like rats!"
The riches plot, control your
Thoughts, to make you blame
"The rich are rich because
They're smarter than me.."
You're taught this is right,
That it's your fault
Kill, kill, kill!!! (x4)
They throw a war like a party saying,
"It's for a moral cause.."
Telling you if you're a patriot that
"You better do what we're told!"
You burn a flag, you're gonna hang,
Brainwashed nationalism makes you a tool
They're getting rich by selling
Weapons to both countries,
You never think to question what you're told!
Kill, kill, kill!!! (x4)
They're gonna give you nothing
They want to take way the
Little they call something
You know you're being used still you play along
If you're not complacent,
You're doing something wrong
One day they'll push to far
That marks the beginning of their end
We'll being them crashing down
Until they're all dead
They're all dead, they're all dead!
The time is growing near..
Put the trigger to the man...
Ok, let's go, kill 'em!
Kill, kill, kill!!! (x6)
Why don't you come over here and
See what you've created
It'll make you laugh so hard you'll cry
And lookin' into the black you
Make me so far past sick
Lookin' into your eyes I wish you'd die
No more dead
No more dead
Two, three, four
Well I've seen the crosses burnt and holy
And the people they all come
Down they're screaming
"Hey man, it's a fix!"
And I looked into the cause
In which, you were striving
And I thought, though of the
Wasted, the wasted youth..
No more dead
No more dead
No more dead dead dead
No more dead
No more dead
No more dead
No more dead dead dead
No more dead
He's lying all alone
His life is stolen, yes it's gone
Into the black of the night
Can't you see it was no fault
Of his own
Trapped in a slum, bred into a slum,
Killing his own instead of rich white men
And he's never gonna escape from it now,
Because it's over, and he's dead
The end
She's always askin' him what he wants to do
How many times does he have to
Say, he's fuckin' confused
He'd run away but there's nowhere else to run
Why do they try to conform us
We just wanna have fun
We gotta fight fight fight
Fight for our Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
"Why don't you go to school? You need to grow up"
They're so infatuated like growing up
Is something you shoot up
Some girls my age they want to have a baby
Some of them wanna get
Married...they're fucking crazy
We gotta fight fight fight
Fight for our Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Adults try to bring us up to be and act like them
If we don't act alike discard and try again
There is no room deep in their
Eyes for an individual
"Conform" and "stand in line"
Make sure you fit the mold
It's alright to grow old, to mature and become wise
Too bad all they seem to want
Is to die in ignorance
"Straighten your back, straighten
Your face and lose your grin"
"It's time to be serious, think
Hard but always give in"
"You are the inferior, open your
Eyes and close your mouth"
"Grow up to be just like me watch
And follow with no doubt"
Train children just like a dog
"Try not to get in the way"
"When I talk you should obey"
"Try not to get in the way"
It's not a war
What are you fighting for
Life's not a war
There's no need to conform
We need help but not every day
There's no need, no need to use force
We need help but not in every single way
We don't need utter control
"Why don't you go to school? You need to grow up"
Like growing up is something you can shoot up
All of us we'd run away but where would we go?
Just loosen your grip on our leash
You don't have to let go
We gotta fight fight fight
Fight for our Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
Confused Youth
All you ever do is brag about your dad
Well what the motherfucking hell did he ever do?
He had some money, I guess he was fucking rich
Yeah, well if you ask me I think your dad was a fucking dick
He was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
He was a brainwashed, scum fucker,
Wasted mother fucking piece of shit
Your daddy made a lot of fucking money,
I guess that means he was a real fucking honey?
Yeah more like your dad was just a motherfucking scumbag
Who had to stick a needle in his dick to get high
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a scumbag, motherfucker,
Fuckhead, asshole, piece of shit
He was a whore, a fuckin's rich piece of whore
Oh yeah, daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy
daddy daddy daddy
Your dady was rich man
I said you daddy was a rich man rich man rich man
Your daddy was a rich man, your daddy's fucking dead
Your daddy was a rich man rich man rich man
Your daddy's fucking dead
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