Under the Skin - the Making of Thickskin

Liste des groupes Hard-Rock Skid Row Under the Skin - the Making of Thickskin
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Nom du groupe Skid Row
Nom de l'album Under the Skin - the Making of Thickskin
Type Video
Date de parution 12 Août 2003
Style MusicalHard-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Opening 02:42
2. New Generation 05:41
3. Skid House 06:13
4. This Is the Skin 01:17
5. Creative Differences 05:07
6. The Recording Process 01:57
7. This Is the Skin (Studio) 04:26
8. One Light 05:18
9. I Remember You Two 02:46
10. Ghost 04:46
11. Quicksand Jesus 01:04
12. Guitars, Guitars 04:10
13. Piece of Me 02:41
14. Tour Bus Etiquette 01:20
15. Snake's World 01:21
16. Skid Row Diving School 01:23
17. See You Around 02:03
Total playing time 54:15

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Skid Row