The Sins of Our Saviours

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Nom du groupe A Triggering Myth
Nom de l'album The Sins of Our Saviours
Type Album
Date de parution 1998
Style MusicalJazz Rock
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. The Awful Truth
a/ The Bitter Pill
b/ The Awful Truth
2. Bagliore (Glimmer)
3. His Maddening Certainty
4. Not a River
5. The (Ag)Nostic Gospels
6. Stato Di Confusione Avanzata (State of Advanced Confusion)
7. The Dust on Mothers Bible
8. When Faith Transcends Reason
9. Ken Who ?

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 $76.67  38,10 €  19,99 €  £29.21  $140.60  38,10 €  112,15 €
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A Triggering Myth