Nom du groupe
Modest Mouse
Nom de l'album
The Lonesome Crowded West
Date de parution
18 Novembre 1997
Up Records
Style MusicalRock indépendant
Membres possèdant cet album3
1. Teeth Like God's Shoeshine |
2. Heart Cooks Brain |
3. Convenient Parking |
4. Lounge (Closing Time) |
5. Jesus Christ Was an Only Child |
6. Doin' the Cockroach |
7. Cowboy Dan |
8. Trailer Trash |
9. Out of Gas |
10. Long Distance Drunk |
11. Shit Luck |
12. Truckers Atlas |
13. Polar Opposites |
14. Bankrupt on Selling |
15. Styrofoam Boots / It's All Nice on Ice, Alright |
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