Rise and Fall: EP and Rarities

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Nom du groupe The Warlocks
Nom de l'album Rise and Fall: EP and Rarities
Type Compilation
Date de parution Octobre 2010
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Jam of the Witches
2. House of Glass
3. Skull Death Drum Jam
4. Whips of Mercy
5. Song for Nico
6. Left and Right of the Moon
7. Motorcycles
8. Frequency Meltdown
9. Heavy Bomber Laser Beam
10. Cocaine Blues
11. Song for Nico
12. Jam of the Zombies
13. Caveman Rock
14. Angry Demons
15. Jam of the Warlocks
16. Turn the Radio On
17. Turn the Sun Down
18. Total Headache
19. Dilaudid
20. Inside/Outside (demo)
21. Shake the Dope Out (demo)
22. Dope Feels Good (demo)

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 $171.50  97,09 €  29,99 €  Â£67.50  $157.82  134,33 €  103,70 €
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The Warlocks