Caravan and the New Symphonia

Liste des groupes Rock Progressif Caravan Caravan and the New Symphonia
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Nom du groupe Caravan
Nom de l'album Caravan and the New Symphonia
Type Live
Date de parution 1974
Style MusicalRock Psychédélique
Membres possèdant cet album8


1. Introduction by Alan Black/Memory Lain, Hugh/Headloss 11:00
2. Dog, the Dog, He's at It Again 06:36
3. Hoedown 03:54
4. Introduction 06:49
5. The Love in Your Eye 12:49
6. Mirror for the Day 04:29
7. Virgin on the Ridiculous 07:57
8. For Richard 14:18
9. Hunting We Shall Go 10:23
Total playing time 1:18:17

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