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Nom du groupe Jack Logan
Nom de l'album Bulk
Type Album
Date de parution 1994
Style MusicalRock indépendant
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Fuck Everything
2. Shrunken Head
3. Love, Not Lunch
4. Female Jesus
5. Excape Clause
6. Underneath Your Bed
7. Just Go Away
8. Lazy Girl Blues
9. New Used Car and a Plate of Bar-B-Que
10. Opposite Direction
11. 15 Years in Indiana
12. Heart Attack in the Prarie
13. Optimist
14. Voodoo Doll
15. Chloroform
16. Vegetable Belt
17. Aloha-Ha
18. Sweetest Fruit
19. Lovely
20. Sometimes It's You
21. Monday Night
22. Giant City, Tiny Town
23. Graves Are Fun to Dig
24. Floating Cowboy
25. Peace O'Mind
26. Shipbuilding Blues
27. Parishioners
28. Would I Be Happy Then
29. Farsighted
30. On the Beach
31. Yes I Can
32. Grey Steel Train
33. Drunken Arms
34. Good Times, Bad Memories
35. Shit for Brains
36. Heaven on Earth
37. Idiot's Waltz
38. Terminal Gates
39. Weatherman
40. Tex
41. Cartoons
42. Town Crier

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Jack Logan