The Great Australian Fuckwit EP

Band's List Punkcore Rupture The Great Australian Fuckwit EP
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Band Name Rupture
Album Name The Great Australian Fuckwit EP
Type Split
Released date 1999
Music StylePunkcore
Members owning this album0


1. Kill The PCs 01:41
2. Picnic At Port Arthur 00:49
3. Fuckin Faggot 00:56
4. I Fuckin Am 02:14
5. I'm A Drunken Idiot 01:29
6. Everyone's A Fuckhead 01:16
7. Horse 01:25
8. Neddy Smith 02:48
9. (I Wanna Be) Ron Jeremy 02:01
10. Sydney Guns 01:53
11. Let's Fuck 01:36
12. Redneck Cunt 02:18
13. When Love Turns To Hate 01:29
14. Ride To Work 02:13
15. Pus Fuck 01:51
16. Public Toilet 02:15
Total playing time 28:14

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