Live in Sheffield 2007

Band's List Hard-Rock Alice Cooper Live in Sheffield 2007
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Band Name Alice Cooper
Album Name Live in Sheffield 2007
Type Bootleg
Released date 2007
Labels Unknown label
Music StyleHard-Rock
Members owning this album0


1. It's Hot Tonight
2. No More Mr. Nice Guy
3. Under My Wheels
4. I'm Eighteen
5. Is It My Body?
6. Woman of Mass Distraction
7. Dirty Diamonds
8. Raped and Freezin'
9. Muscle of Love
10. Feed My Frankenstein
11. Halo of Flies
12. Welcome to My Nightmare
13. Only Women Bleed
14. Steven
15. Dead Babies
16. Ballad of Dwight Fry
17. Devils Food / Killer / I Love the Dead
18. School's Out
19. Billion Dollar Babies
20. Poison
21. Elected

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Alice Cooper