Band Name
Of Montreal
Album Name
The Gay Parade
16 二月 1999
Bar-None Records
音乐风格Pop Rock
1. Old Familiar Way |
2. Fun Loving Nun |
3. Tulip Baroo |
4. Jacques Lamure |
5. The March of the Gay Parade |
6. Neat Little Domestic Life |
7. A Collection of Poems About Water |
8. Y the Quale and Vaguely Bird Noisily Enjoying Their Forbidden Tryst / I'd Be a Yellow Feathered Loon |
9. The Autobiographical Grandpa |
10. The Miniature Philosopher |
11. My Friend Will Be Me |
12. My Favorite Boxer |
13. Advice from a Divorced Gentleman to His Bachelor Friend Considering Marriage |
14. A Man's Life Flashing Before His Eyes While He and His Wife Drive Off a Cliff into the Ocean |
15. Nickee Coco and the Invisible Tree |
16. The Gay Parade / Outro |