
Data de aparición:

Stationary Traveller

Camel : Stationary Traveller


1. Pressure Points 02:10
2. Refugee 03:49
3. Vopos 05:31
4. Cloak and Dagger Man 03:55
5. Stationary Traveller 05:35
6. West Berlin 05:10
7. Fingertips 04:29
8. Missing 04:22
9. After Words 02:02
10. Long Goodbyes 05:17
Bonustracks Re-Issue 2009
11. In the Arms of Waltzing Fraulines 02:17
12. Pressure Points (Extended 12" Single Version) 06:15
Total playing time 46:52

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Cloak and Dagger Man

EP, 30 Marzo 1984, Decca

Camel : Cloak and Dagger Man


1. Cloak and Dagger Man
2. Pressure Points

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Pressure Points - Camel Live in Concert 2009 Expanded Edition Track Listing:

Live, Noviembre 1984, Decca, London Recordings, Polygram

Camel : Pressure Points - Camel Live in Concert 2009 Expanded Edition Track Listing:


CD 1
1. Pressure Points 07:18
2. Drafted 03:50
3. Captured 03:03
4. Lies 05:11
5. Refugee03:48
6. Vopos 05:47
7. Stationary Traveller 05:16
8. West Berlin 05:18
9. Fingertips 04:40
CD 2
1. Sasquatch 04:06
2. Wait 04:21
3. Cloak and Dagger Man 04:04
4. Long Goodbyes 06:45
5. Rhayader 02:29
6. Rhayader Goes to Town 06:28
7. Lady Fantasy 12:41
Total playing time 1:25:07

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The Collection

Compilation, 1985, Castle Music

Camel : The Collection


1. Aristillus 01:55
2. Freefall 05:50
3. Supertwister 03:16
4. Spirit of the Water 02:03
5. Lunar Sea (Live) 08:58
6. Rhayader / Rhayader Goes to Town (Live) 08:20
7. Migration / Rhayader Alone (Live) 05:39
8. The Princess Perdue / The Great Marsh (Live) 07:01
9. Drafted / Captured (Live) 06:54
10. Sasquatch (Live) 04:00
11. Rain Dances 02:49
12. Highways of the Sun 04:28
Total playing time 1:05:33

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A Compact Compilation

Compilation, 25 Octubre 1990, Rhino Records

Camel : A Compact Compilation


1. Freefall 05:49
2. Lady Fantasy 12:42
a/ Encounter
b/ Smiles for You
c/ Lady Fantasy
3. The Great Marsh 01:45
4. Rhayader 03:08
5. Rhayader Goes to Town 05:21
6. The Snow Goose 03:17
7. Flight of the Snow Goose 02:45
8. Dunkirk 05:29
9. Song within a Song 07:10
10. Lunar Sea 09:06
11. First Light 05:05
12. Metrognome 04:09
13. Rain Dances 02:38
Total playing time 1:08:24

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Compilation, 1991, Pickwick

Camel : Landscape


1. Landscapes 02:36
2. Spirit Of The Water 02:02
3. Your Love Is Stranger Than Mine 03:20
4. Beached 03:31
5. Cloak & Dagger Man 03:50
6. Skylines 04:18
7. City Life 04:41
8. Air Born 05:00
9. Echoes 07:16
10. First Light 04:59
11. Freefall 05:49
12. Stationary Traveller 05:33
13. Missing 04:13
14. Rain Dances 02:48
15. Reflections 02:44
16. Sanctuary/Fritha 02:31
17. Refugee 03:44
18. The Last Farewell 03:55
Total playing time 1:10:50

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Dust and Dreams

Album, 16 Marzo 1992, Camel Productions, Canyon Records

Camel : Dust and Dreams


1. Dust Bowl 01:54
2. Go West 03:42
3. Dusted Out 01:35
4. Mother Road 04:15
5. Needles 02:34
6. Rose of Sharon 04:48
7. Milk 'n' Honey 03:35
8. End of the Line 06:52
9. Storm Clouds 02:07
10. Cotton Camp 02:55
11. Broken Banks 00:35
12. Sheet Rain 02:15
13. Whispers 00:52
14. Little Rivers and Little Rose 01:57
15. Hopeless Anger 04:59
16. Whisper in the Rain 02:54
Total playing time 47:57

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On the Road 1972

Camel : On the Road 1972


1. Lady Fantasy 13:46
2. Six Ate 06:11
3. White Rider 09:57
4. God of Light Revisited 14:25
Total playing time 44:19

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Compilation, 1993, Decca, Deram Records

Camel : Echoes


1. Never Let Go 06:16
2. Freefall 05:50
3. Lady Fantasy 12:43
4. Rhayader 03:23
5. Rhayader Goes to Town 04:58
6. Song within a Song 07:12
7. Air Born 05:02
8. Lunar Sea 09:11
9. Unevensong 05:33
10. Tell Me 04:06
11. Elke 04:30
12. Skylines 04:26
1. Breathless 04:19
2. Echoes 07:17
3. The Sleeper 07:02
4. Your Love Is Stranger Than Mine 03:22
5. Hymn to Her 05:36
6. Ice 10:10
7. Drafter 04:17
8. Lies 04:58
9. Sasquatch 04:41
10. You are the One 05:22
11. Refugee 03:45
12. West Berlin 05:08
13. Mother TRoad 04:16
14. Whispers in the Rain 02:54
Total playing time 2:23:17

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Never Let Go

Live, 30 Julio 1993, Camel Productions

Camel : Never Let Go


1. Never Let Go
2. Earthrise
3. Rhayader
4. Rhayader Goes to Town
5. Spirit of the Water
6. Unevensong
7. Echoes
8. Ice
9. City Life
10. Drafted
1. Dust Bowl
2. Go West
3. Dusted out
4. Mother Road
5. Needles
6. Rose of Sharon
7. Milk n' Honey
8. End of the Line
9. Storm Clouds
10. Cotton Camp
11. Broken Banks
12. Sheet Rain
13. Whispers
14. Little Rivers and Little
15. Hopeless Anger
16. Whispers in the Rain
17. Sasquatch
18. Lady Fantasy

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Camel on the Road 1982

Camel : Camel on the Road 1982


1. Sasquatch 04:30
2. Higways of the Sun 04:38
3. Hymn to Her 05:23
4. Neon Magic 04:04
5. You Are the One 05:21
6. Drafted 04:01
7. Lies 05:10
8. Captured 03:19
9. A Heart's Desire/End Peace 04:34
10. Heroes 05:36
11. Who We Are 06:21
12. Manic 04:11
13. Wait 04:49
14. Never Let Go 06:44
Total playing time 1:08:41

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Harbour of Tears

Album, 18 Diciembre 1996, Camel Productions, WHD Entertainment

Camel : Harbour of Tears


1. Irish Air 00:57
2. Irish Air (Instrumental Reprise) 01:57
3. Harbour of Tears 03:13
4. Cóbh 01:51
5. Send Home the Slates 04:23
6. Under the Moon 01:16
7. Watching the Bobbins 07:14
8. Generations 01:02
9. Eyes of Ireland 03:09
10. Running from Paradise 05:21
11. End of the Day 02:29
12. Coming of Age 07:22
13. Hour Candle (A Song for my Father) 23:00
Total playing time 1:02:14

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On the Road 1981

Camel : On the Road 1981


1. Never Let Go 07:03
2. Song Within a Song 07:20
3. Lunar Sea 10:50
4. City Life 04:43
5. Nude 00:27
6. Drafted 03:55
7. Docks 04:06
8. Beached 03:44
9. Landscapes 03:22
10. Changing Places 03:32
11. Reflections 02:24
12. Captured 03:19
13. The Last Farewell 04:05
Total playing time 58:50

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Camel-25th Anniversary Compilation

Compilation, 1997, Deram Records

Camel : Camel-25th Anniversary Compilation


1. Remote Romance (Edit)
2. You Are the One (Edit)
3. Rhayader
4. Rhayader Goes to Town
5. Cloak and Dagger Man
6. Highways of the Sun (Edit)
7. Rainbow's End (Edit)
8. Fingertips
9. Never Let Go (Live)
10. No Easy Answer
11. Beached
12. Another Night (Edit)
13. Breathless
14. Tell Me (Version 2)
15. Supertwister
16. Please Come Home
17. Wait
18. Lunar Sea (Live)

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Coming of Age (CD)

Camel : Coming of Age (CD)


CD One - Recorded at Billboard Live, Los Angeles, California on 13 March 1997
 Lunar Sea
 Hymn to Her
 Rhayader Goes to Town
 Spirit of the Water

Total playing time: 01:01:20

CD Two
 Milk'n Honey
 Mother Road
 Rose of Sharon
 Irish Air
 Irish Air (Reprise)
 Harbour of Tears
 Send Home the Slates
 Under the Moon
 Watching the Bobbins
 Eyes of Ireland
 Running from Paradise
 End of the Day
 Coming of Age
 The Hour Candle

Total playing time: 01:03:05

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Camel : Rajaz


1. Three Wishes 06:58
2. Lost and Found 05:38
3. The Final Encore 08:07
4. Rajaz 08:15
5. Shout 05:15
6. Straight to my Heart 06:23
7. Sahara 06:44
8. Lawrence 10:46
Total playing time 58:06

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Camel 73-75 Gods of Light

Camel : Camel 73-75 Gods of Light


1. God of Light Revisited 16:09
2. White Rider 08:52
3. Lady Fantasy 11:33
4. Arubaluba 66:50
5. Excerpts from the Snow Goose 27:20
Total playing time: 1:10:44

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The Paris Collection

Camel : The Paris Collection


1. Ice 08:47
2. Chord Change 08:52
3. Fingertips 06:40
4. Slow Yourself Down 04:30
5. Sahara 06:51
6. Mother Road 06:07
7. Little Rivers and Little Rose 01:55
8. Hopless Anger 05:03
9. Lady Fantasy 16:04
10. Slow Yourself Down (Late-Night Version) 05:34
Total playing time: 1:05:22

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Lunar Sea : An Anthology 1973-1985

Compilation, 30 Octubre 2001, Decca

Camel : Lunar Sea : An Anthology 1973-1985


1. Never Let Go 06:23
2. Slow Yourself Down 04:46
3. Freefall 05:53
4. Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider 09:16
5. The Great Marsh 02:00
6. Rhayader 03:02
7. Rhayader Goes to Town 05:22
8. Lady Fantasy (Live with the London Symphony Orchestra) 15:25
9. Song Within a Song 07:14
10. Spirit of the Water 02:06
11. Air Born 05:03
12. Lunar Sea (Live) 09:03
1. Tell Me 04:09
2. Elke 04:31
3. Echoes 07:19
4. The Sleeper 07:04
5. Ice 10:14
6. Hymn to Her 05:36
7. City Life 05:05
8. Drafted 04:18
9. Lies 05:00
10. Sasquatch 04:43
11. Cloak and Dagger Man 03:52
12. Stationary Traveller 05:33
13. West Berlin (Live Version) 05:24
14. Long Goodbyes 05:13
Total playing time 2:23:17

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A Nod and a Wink

Camel : A Nod and a Wink


1. A Nod and a Wink 11:16
2. Simple Pleasures 05:31
3. A Boy's Life 07:20
4. Fox Hill 09:09
5. The Miller's Tale 03:34
6. Squigely Fair 09:02
7. For Today 10:40
8. After All These Years 05:46
Total playing time 1:04:18

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