There's No Greatest Hits

Liste der Bands Post-punk Penpals There's No Greatest Hits
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Band Name Penpals
Album Name There's No Greatest Hits
Type Compilation
Erscheinungsdatum 12 März 2003
Labels EMI Records
Musik GenrePost-punk
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1. A.F.O.K.
2. Tonight
3. Tonight She's Gone
4. Rest
5. Jumpin' the Gun
6. I'm a Sneaker
7. Katie
8. Days Gone by (Okinawa Ragga Style)
9. Okinawa Go Round
10. Boys and Girls
11. Kimi Wo Miteta
12. Oh Yeah
13. Ride Proud
14. Life on the Highway
15. Wasteless
16. Mogul
17. Inside Out
18. All Fun of Kids

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