Noctule Sorix : Zygène de la Filipendule

Was walking around for so long years
It seems I was born here
It seems I will die here
But someone came to break these walls
It seems that I'm now free
I surely won't die here
They feel so sure I can survive there
No choice but to trust
Enjoy this new life
Everything's burning around you
You're lying in your blood
Your mum is crying after you
You look at me your dad in your arms
And we don't care at all
I look at you and just see Blood
Where I should see pain and tears
But I'm not here to understand
But to grab miles on your land
I look at you, you see my eyes
But not the gun that took his Life
I understood too late you're someone
When I'm just part of a State
They told me you'll be thankful
I'm lying in my blood
My dad is proud to watch me fighting
I gave my life to free your country
And you don't care at all
... We don't care about anything
We just cross the rivers of blood
We don't care about anything ...
Was that the last song I wrote
Will it be the last one, the last time
I'll have to shout all my pains out
Of my so strange brain
It's all up to you but
I just want to ask you one thing
Whatever I ever did
Whatever I ever wrote
Will you come with me
Will you be mine
Will you go there
Whatever I did
Whatever I wrote
Please say yes, then
Was that the last song I wrote
Will it be the last one, the last time
I'll have to shout all my pains out
Of my so strange brain
That's not the last song I wrote
That will not be, the last but the first one
Where I won't have to shout my pains out
Of my so strange brain
4. 1830
Suddenly she came in a wintering part of my so
Welcomed awaited new life
Suddenly bringing with her all the doubts I
Didn't really need at that time
Suddenly you came and it seemed so good
To taste our part of eternity
Suddenly bringing with you all the doubts I'd
Never wanted so much since you
Wait for me as I wait for you as I
Try to reach back my forever gone youth
I wait for you as you wait for me as you
Didn't try to walk past (across) that
Suddenly you left in this wintering part of my so
Welcomed awaited new life
The doubts you left here will surely be
The last part of you I will keep with me
We lost each other
A long time before we could even only
The black knights from hell
Came to slave us
To protect our God
We have to fight them
I will leave for a long time
To keep your freedom
Wait as long as it takes
For me to come back to you
My army felt down (surrendered)
And I'm dying
Forgive me, I failed
You will have to kneel down
Keep our honour and pray for me
Ma vie est une chambre vide,
(Où) la solitude est ma seule compagne.
Dans ce monde là, plus rien n'a d'importance
Et même si les souvenirs s'effacent,
Et que plus rien me pourra les remplacer,
Tu seras toujours présent dans mes rêves !
Ces rêves ne s'arrêteront pas,
Même si, personne ne peut plus les comprendre.
Le dernier espoir s'est définitivement brisé
Mon âme s'est simplement éteinte,
(Alors que) la douleur n'a fait que progresser,
Détruisant la lueur que tu faisais briller
Tu es parti seul, ce putain de jeudi,
Alors que je t'attendais à ce rendez-vous manqué !
Mais nous nous retrouverons dans l'éternité
Personne ne peut plus me comprendre,
Car le dernier espoir s'est brisé !
Personne ne peut plus me comprendre
« Je marche à tes côtés dans mes rêves »
Where have you been ?
I didn't find you there
You left me here alone
I have to find you even if it takes me years
I have to kiss you one by one
Take care of each and everyone of you
I'd better make it soon
Before you all disappear
And I know you're around
Playing with me
Can't you see I can feel it
Can't you see I'm dying
I will find you anyway
And you'll pay the price for that fool
Where have you been
On Monday
(Came) back into my life
Just try to start our dreams again
To feel at last that we can find
A new thing in everything
On Wednesday
Came back home at night
Just remember your call facing the fridge
Just try to make it real
This new thing in everything
On Friday
Our hope has finally gone
Just flown away before making it real
Just suddenly discovered again
That there's a part of nothing in everything
I'm hanging on a deep black midnight
Not really dead, trapped between
A world I knew and one I once feared
(At least I) know that people from both sides know me
I'm hanging on a deep black midnight
You seem so glad to see me dancing
I'm leaving more and more every day
Don't be sad, I'll take his hand soon
Bring me back to him
Bring him back to me
Will you ever come one day
Take me back or forward
But please, please
Take him back to me
I'm standing here
Facing the crowd
Try to figure out
What you don't seem to catch
All these years telling you how I feel
And it always seems like you still don't read my lips
Don't you understand everything is true
Every word of my songs
Every word
Each and every word I wrote was a part of me
A piece of my heart
A piece of my bleeding flesh
This little voice you heard so many times
Did you even try to read between the lines
It's not only about pain, tears, sadness
The real world and death
The bright and the darkness
A warm place and a cold grave
The wood of my last bed
And the steel that keeps me cold
The green of living trees
The grey of my ashes
The sound of a loud joy
The silence of this boy
Who's been dead for a long time
The sweetness of a loving home
The roughness of mine
A heart full of love
How empty theirs was
Purple tears are rolling
Down her face
Anger rage
And sadness
The day she knew
He felt down
Her heart was bleeding
Like a river
She will certainly not
Kneel down
The honour is lost
Do not add
Remember him while your blood spreads around
Remember him
While death brings you close to your sacred knight
Your image is like
An obsession in my mind
Your image is like
A thousand reflections
Your motionless face looks stucked in this deep white Frozen lightning tomb forever ...
Your image is like
An obsession in my mind
Your image is like
A thousand reflections
I don't even know you
I didn't see you, just one time
Your sweet voice turns me first
Into this old something
Trouble I know too much now
Nothing is under control
Sweet feelings that hurt
It's like having everything
Makes you more and more hungry for anything
Too many people in the world
Too many people around me
A one-entire-making-love-life
wouldn't be enough for you all
Not you not me
Now that I'm at the edge of a new life
Should I wait for a new break to
Hold you
Kiss you
Have you
Fuck you
Time has come x2
Time has come
To wake up, and leave this nightmare
Time has come
To face the sun, and leave the darkness
I wonder if
This ever promised peaceful time
Will ever come
This wonderful awaited time
Will ever be mine
This one entire-shining-love-life
ever come
I wonder if x3
(Stop asking, live !)
The white begins
Where the black ends
I've never found the world so bright
(Stars) they've never shown me this way before
Every second of life tastes so good
I've never felt so good before
It seems like pain will never be back
Lyrics geaddet von theknot - Bearbeite die Lyrics