Manic Street Preachers : Journal for Plague Lovers

The more I see, the less I scream,
The figure eight inside out is infinity
The naked light bulb is always on
They make your break complete
Then they blow it to kingdom come
Riderless horses, Noam Chomsky's Camelot
Bruises on my hands from digging my nails out
A series of images against you and me
Trespass your torments
If you are what you wanna be
I once impersonated a shopwork dummy
The Levi jean will always be stronger than the Uzi
A dwarf takes his cockrel out of the cockfight
Falcons attack the pigeons
In the west wing at night
Tonight we beg, tonight we beg the question
If a married man, if a married man fucks a Catholic
And his wife dies without knowing
Does that make him unfaithful, people?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Tonight we beg, tonight we beg the question
If a married man, if a married man fucks a Catholic
Does that mean you have gone to seed?
Or does that mean you owe him nothing?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
Oh mummy what's a Sex Pistol?
A situationist sisterhood of Jackie and Joan
Separates us the questions without a home
A situationist sisterhood of Jackie and Joan
Separates us the questions without a home
Herman the Bull and Tracey the sheep
Transgendered milk containing human protein
The bacteria cheaper than baby food
Injection today
Today it's a cow, tomorrow it's human
African Punch and Judy show at half the price
A hundred thousand Welsh Giant Haystacks in a Bombay fight
Overjoyed, me and Stephen Hawking, we laugh
We missed the sex revolution
When we failed the physical
When we failed the physical
Herman the Bull and Tracey the sheep
Transgendered milk containing human protein
The bacteria cheaper than baby food
Injection today
Today it's a cow, tomorrow it's human
African Punch and Judy show at half the price
A hundred thousand Welsh Giant Haystacks in a Bombay fight
Overjoyed, me and Stephen Hawking, we laugh
We missed the sex revolution
When we failed the physical
When we failed the physical
Loose and guilty and whipped
Sterility prosecutes and I have plenty
Bruised and nailed and quits
Merciful and mourned and meek
Jealousy sows rejection with a kiss
In silken palms that tear bone from skin
This joke sport severed
I endeavoured
To find a place where
I became untethered
This joke sport severs
I endeavoured
To find a place where
I became untethered
Jealousy soaks rejection with a kiss
In silken palms that tear bone from skin
This joke sport severed
I endeavoured
To find a place where
I became untethered
Pretend prayer
Pretend care
Makes everything seem so fair
These perfect abattoirs
These perfect actors
These perfect abattoirs
Only a god can bruise
Only a god can soothe
Only a god reserves the right
To forgive those that revile him
Only a god can bruise
Only a god can soothe
Only a god reserves the right
To forgive those that revile him
Oh, such love
Sweet stimulus
PG certificate and cuts unfocused
Stitches and wounds
Doctored divinity
So much love there's blind affinity
Only a god can bruise
Only a god can soothe
Only a god reserves the right
To forgive those that revile him
Only a god can bruise
Only a god can soothe
Only a god reserves the right
To forgive those that revile him
She'd walk on broken glass for love
She thought burnt skin would please her lover
To keep love alive and lust beside
Kind people should never be treated like...
Empty arms and naked heart
Violence, a sad truth followed with a
Table for two, such a sweet delight
Whispers "I love you my darling" tonight
Love bathed her in a bath of bleach
"I brought you here, no one else will"
Don't hurt her anymore, stop now
But salmon pink skin memories took care of...
Empty arms and naked heart
Violence, a sad truth followed with a
A table for two - such a sweet delight
Whispers "I love you my darling" tonight
Here I am, rise and shine
Way down of course I smile
Here is hospitality skin care tones
Clean flesh and lines tainted UV protection
This beauty here dipping neophobia
Here I am rise and shine
Way down of course I cry
Here is oblivion bathed acid red
Mutually discolour, skin cancer, calories
Private care, sugar pills, the flak of healing.
Fragrance my escort of no meaning
This beauty here dipping neophobia.
He stood like a statue
As he was beaten across the face
With a horse whip
Where the wounds already exist
A well-oiled rifle
And never lonely, Marlon JD
If you want to count down, countdown
Give him some dignity
So see, so see Marlon J.D.
So see, so see Marlon J.D.
Learn to live without clutter
To live without luxury
Sometimes I envy them
Goodnight yourself, Marlon JD
He did not defend himself
He didn't even raise his hand
I will not beg because
This is how I am
So see, so see Marlon J.D.
So see, so see Marlon J.D.
"Bare floors, plain white walls.
No window curtains, nothing but essentials.
With no luxuries, no ornamentation,
Utter simplicity.
But it's also clean,
It's clean as a rifle."
So see, so see Marlon J.D.
So see, so see Marlon J.D.
"And, and they're never lonely
And sometimes I envy them"
Realise how lonely this is
Self-defeated and forget
Drowned in love and false kisses
A gathering of no meaning
That shadow is a cross okay
Judgement must willing today
Silence is not sacrifice
Crucifixion is the easy life
Who threw the first stone
If the stone is you
Forgive them forsaken
Bleeding feet an angel's saviour
That shadow is a cross okay
Judgement must be willing today
Silence is not sacrifice
Crucifixion is the easy life
Embrace to betrayal
An arms army salvation
Listen to the selfish ones
They are the voice of accomplishment
Haven't shaved for days
Keeps the appearance of delay
The luxury of one more dye
Pretend humility, the ugly lie
I would prefer no choice
One bread, one milk, one food, that's all
I'm confused, I only want one truth
I really don't mind being lied to
It's not "What's wrong?"
It's "What's right?"
Makes you feel like I'm talking a foreign language sometimes
It's not "What's wrong?"
It's "What's right?"
It's the facts of life sunshine
It's the facts of life sunshine
It's the facts of life my sunshine
Sickened and housed street death's burned
Blacked, lived, compelled and cold
Closed down and swallowed formed and regained
Blacked, curt, gloat and discerned
Shot from shot
The androgyny fails
Odalisque by Ingres
Yet your bones for sale
Pornographic, this is pornographic
Expertly clothed amazed and perturbed
Assumed annoyed and ceased
Bow down together
Agonised and locked
Mixed, sealed and received
They sit around tables rendered dumb
Coloured sticks of chalk are passed around
Today the doctors allow the illusion of choice
Tomorrow the necks split, there is no voice
Draw a perfect circle, sleep foetus-like
Six chalk colours the very meaning of life
They wake to strobes and half circled light
confusion lifts with potassium percolate
V-S-E-C piggy
Piggy piggy
Piggy piggy
Clean - cooking - flower-arranging
Dissolves a kind of liberation
Isn't it lovely, when the dawn brings the dew?
I'll be watching over you
Isn't it lovely, when the dawn brings the dew?
I'll be watching over you
Goodnight my sweetheart
Until we leave tonight
Hold me in your arms
Wish me some luck as you wave goodbye to me
You're the best friends I ever had
Goodnight, sleep tight
Goodnight, God bless
Goodnight, nos da
I'll try my best
Isn't it lovely, when the dawn brings the dew?
I'll be watching over you
Isn't it lovely, when the dawn brings the dew
I'll be watching over you
I will be waiting all my cares are for you
Dreams they leave and die
I'm just gonna close my eyes, think about my family
And shed a little tear
Goodnight, sleep tight
Goodnight, God bless
Goodnight, nos da,
I'll try my best
Isn't it lovely, when the dawn brings the dew?
I'll be watching over you
Isn't it lovely, when the dawn brings the dew?
I'll be watching over you
Leave me, go Jesus
I love you, yeah I love you
Just let me go
I even love the devil
For yes he did me harm
To keep me any longer
'Cos I'm really tired
I'd love to go to sleep and wake up happy
Yeah I'm really tired
I'd love to go to sleep and wake up happy,
Wake up happy.
I am not dead
I demand I know my rights
I know my rights
You cover illness with flowers
And flowers die
And flowers die
Waking I feel
I follow mirrors that
Make sense to me
Make sense to me
Never let yourself out, I did
It ruined me
It ruined me
To be morally good
Are we ready to love?
A devil pretending to be a god
Love's written on paper, and paper burns
Eternity is not sunrise
Waking I feel
I follow mirrors that
Make sense to me,
Make sense to me
Never let your self out, I did
It ruined me
It ruined me
To be morally good
Are we ready to love?
A devil pretending to be a god
Love's written on paper and paper burns
Eternity is not a sunrise
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