Dead Kennedys : Frankenchrist

We're sorry / But you're no longer needed / Or wanted / Or even cared about here / Machines can do a better job than you / This is what you get for asking questions / The unions agree / Sacrifices must be made / Computers never go on strike / To save the working man you've got to put him out to pasture / Looks like we'll have to let you go / Doesn't if feel fulfilling to know / That you - the human being - are now obsolete / And there's nothing in hell we'll let you do about it / Chorus: Soup is good food - (We don't need you anymore) / You make a good meal - (We don't need you anymore) / Now how do you feel - (We don't need you anymore) / To be shit out our ass / And thrown in the cold like a piece of trash / We're sorry / You'll just have to leave / Unemployment runs out after just six weeks / How does it feel to be a budget cut? / You're snipped / You no longer exist / Your number's been purged from our central computer / So we can rig the facts / And sweep you under the rug / See our chart? Unemployment's going down / If that ruins your life, that's your problem / (Chorus) / We're sorry / We hate to interrupt / But it's against the law to jump off this bridge / You'll just have to kill yourself somewhere else / A tourist might see you / And we wouldn't want that / I'm just doing my job, you know / So say uncle / And we'll take you to the mental health zoo / Force feed you mind melting chemicals / Til even the outside world looks great / In hi-tech science research labs / It costs too much to bury all the dead / the mutilated, disease-injected / Surplus rats who can't be used anymore / So they're dumped (with no minister present) / In a spiraling corkscrew disposal unit / Ground into stew and flushed away / Aw geez / (Chorus) / We know how much you'd like to die / We joke about it on our coffee breaks / But we're paid to force you to have a nice day / In the wonderful world we made just for you / Poor Rats, we human rodents chuckle / At least we get a dignified creation / And yet / At 6:00 tomorrow morning / It's time to get up and go to work
Hellnation's when they teach us / Profiting from greed / Hellnation's what they give us / Coke, heroin and speed / Hellnation's when they tell you / You gotta go clean up your act / You're the one who dragged me here / And now you drag me back / Chorus: To this Hellnation, Hellnation / Problem is, few care / About the people in despair / If you help no one / You're guilty in this Hellnation / Hellnation's when the president / Ask's for four more fucking years / Hellnation's when he gets it / By conning poor people and peers / Hellnation - got no choice / What's the point of trying to vote? / When this country makes war / We all die in the same boat / (Chorus) / It's the only world we've got / Let's protect it while we can / It's all there is and there ain't no more / Hellnation - asking please / For a nuclear freeze / So the unborn kids / Get their chance to live and breathe / Hellnation asking aid / For the minimum wage / So the kids of tomorrow / Don't wind up slaves to their trade / In this Hellnation / (Chorus)
Cold concrete apartments / Rise up from wet black asphalt / Below them like a few carcasses / Of the long ago age of privacy / It takes a scary kind of illness / To design a place like this for pay / Downtown's an endless generic mall / Of video games and fast food chains / One by one / The little houses are bricked up and condemned / A subtle hint to move / Before the rats move in / Chorus: This could be anywhere / This could be everywhere / Those new kids at school seem cool / But dad says not to talk to them / Stick to your old friends / They're not our kind / So now there's lots of fights / So many people I know / Come of age tense and bitter-eyed / Can't create so they just destroy / C'mon / Let's see someone's dog on fire / Empty plastic / Culture slum suburbia / Is a war zone now / Sprouting the kinds of gangs / We thought we left behind / (Chorus) / Kids at school are taking sides / Along color and uniform lines / My dad's gone and bought a gun / He says he's fed up / With crime in this town / (Chorus) / Anywhere / Everywhere / I hope I'm gone before it explodes / I linger late at night / Waiting for the bus / No amount of neon jazz / Could hide the coming vibes of death / My dad's a vigilante now / He's bringing home these weird-ass friends / Like the guy who fires blanks at his TV / When Kojack's on / Or the guy who shows off his submachine gun / To his sixteen year old daughter's friends / Whose sense of pride and hope / Is being in the police reserve / (Chorus)
In lonely gas stations with mini-marts / You'll find rows of them for sale / Liquor-filled statues of Elvis Presley / Screw his head off / Drink like a vampire / His disciples flock to such a fitting shrine / Sprawled across from his graceless mansion / A shopping mall / Filled with prayer rugs and Elvis dolls / And I wonder / Yeah I wonder / Will Elvis take the place of Jesus in a thousand years / Religious wars / Barbaric laws / Bloodshed worldwide / Over what's left of his myth / A growing boy needs his lunch / When pesticides get banned we're safe up north / We just sell them to those other countries / Soon there's lots of exotic deformed babies / Somehow that's not our fault / Just dip em in glaze, paint em orange and green / For the Arizona roadside stands / To sell alongside plaster burros and birdbaths / And I wonder / Yeah I wonder / Why so many insects around us feed off the dead / Death squads / Starvation / Foreign aid? / Just leave it to the magic of the marketplace / A growing boy needs his lunch / Everyone should just love each other / Dip your toe into the fire / Drop your guns and lawsuits and love each other / Life begins beyond the bunker / And while you're busy hugging in the streets / Outgrowing your hatred for all to feel / Jiminy Cricket's found a game to play / Stick your neck out and trust - It'll be chopped away / Jimmy through your locked front doors / Rifle through your sacred drawers / Line my pockets / Deface your dreams / Til the cows come home to me / Nibbling like an earwig winding through your brain / Bound the Lawrence Harvey spread-eagled to a bed / The migraine gets worse when you find out we lay eggs / And no one in all of Borneo can hear your scream / Turn on / Tune in / Cop out / Drop kick Turn in Tune out
Another rainy morning mingling at the market / Bartering for food for another day / Rifle shots ring out behind the crumbling buildings / Executions have begun / Sprawled in the square are today's broken bodies / Lots to pick clean if you're first and quick / Rift through their pockets, peel off their clothes / To wear or sell when you wash out the blood / Run my little brother / Run to the chicken farm / Opportunity is calling / You might even find a watch / Chorus: We're going down / To the chicken farm / Napalm rains no more / But the war goes on / Little brother died playing at the dump today / He found a new toy and held it up proud / Then it blew him to bits / How many children / Will be killed or die at birth / Deformed by Agent Orange / In our food chain forever more / (Chorus) / This time we'll buy our way out / I've got a plan; you wait and see / I smuggled you this map / In the gash I sliced in my thigh / I hope I'm there to join you, love / We're blown to pieces one by one in this camp / We crawl shaking through the fields at gun point all day / To defuse leftover land mines - by hand / We shiver on the deck and stiffen for the worst / If the pirates come around we might as well be dead / We'll be thrown in the sea / Or butchered if we're women / All in the name of gold / One foot in a land we barely understand / Can't speak the tongue of Yankee hospitality / Our kids at school get beat up / To the tune of Boat people go home / Sliced with a machete / From the breast of our homeland / Our new world tries to spit us out / But it sure beats the chicken farm
6.JOCK-O-RAMA (Invasion of the Beef Patrol)
You really like gorillas? / We've got just the pet for you / It's the way you're forced to act / To survive our schools / Make your whole life revolve around sports / Walk tough - don't act too smart / Be a mean machine / Then we'll let you get ahead / Jock-O-Rama - Save my soul / We're under the thumb of the Beef Patrol / The future of America is in their hands / Watch it roll over Niagara Falls / Pep rally in the holy temple / And you're forced to go / Masturbate en masse / With the favored religious cult / Cheerleaders yell - Ra Ra Team / From the locker room parades the prime beef / When archaeologists dig this up / They'll either laugh or cry / Jock-O-Rama - On the brain / Redneck-a-thon drivin' me insane / The future of America is in their hands / Watch it roll over Niagara Falls / Unzip that old time religion / On the almighty football field / Beerbellies of all ages / Come in to watch the gladiators bleed / Now boys, this game ain't played for fun / You're going out there to win / How d'ya win? / Get out there / And snap the other guy's knee! / Beat em up! Beat em up! / Ra Ra Ra / Snap those spinal cords / Ha Ha Ha / The star quarterback lies injured / Unconscious on the football field / Looks like his neck is broken / Seems to happen somewhere every year / His mom and dad clutch themselves and cry / Their favorite son will never walk again / Coach says, That boy gave a hundred percent / What spirit / What a man / But who cares? / Game's over - Let's go get wasted, man / To the 7-11, to the liquor store / Let's party all night and party some more / Another Trans-Am / Wrapped itself around a telephone pole / I ain't drunk, officer. / I just fell gettin' out of my car / Don't worry about it, son / We were that way when we were young / You've got all the skills / To make a damn good businessman / Jock-O-Rama - that's the law / Come lick the butts of the Beef Patrol / If the future of America is handed to them / Watch it roll over Niagara Falls
Happy hour belongs to America's best loved thugs / Here comes the 4-wheel prosthetic penises / Got yer gun racks, tractor tires and lynch mob drivers / We couldn't find a chick to sit in the middle / So we drink ourselves sick / Lean out the windows and pinch ass instead / We are the Goons of Hazzard / Glorified on your TV / We run down bikes and hitch-hikers / And we know we'll get off scot-free / We're the vigilante heroes of your tough-guy flicks / Bashing punks and bums and fags / With our baseball bats / No deer to blow away in the woods today / So we go to Oroville and shoot a black kid down / Or waste demonstrators in Greensboro instead / We are the Goons of Hazzard / Glorified on your TV / We leave you in a pool of blood / Cause we know we'll get off scot-free / Let's get him / C'mere / C'mere - / Say something to me? / We've got him cornered / We've got him cornered / Is anybody looking? / Does anybody even care? / No / Local papers paint us up to be big heroes / City fathers and Chamber of Commerce want us deputized / The stoner Gestapo keepin' your town clean / Get a shave, kid / We'll pay you as a strike-breaker / Maybe you'll make Tac Squad for the L.A.P.D. / We are the Goons of Hazzard / Glorified on your TV / We leave you in a pool of blood / Cause we know we'll get off scot-free
Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair / Flame up the herb / Wolf down the beer / - (click!) - / Hi / I'm your video DJ / I always talk like I'm wigged out on Quaaludes / I wear a stained baseball jacket everywhere I go / My job is to help destroy / What's left of your imagination / By feeding you endless doses / Of sugar coated mindless garbage / So don't create / Be sedate / Be a vegetable at home / And thwack on that dial / If we have our way even you will believe / this is the future of rock and roll / How far will you go / How low will you stoop / To tranquilize our minds with your sugar coated swill / You've turned rock and roll rebellion / Into Pat Boone sedation / Making sure nothing's left of the imagination / Chorus: M.T.V. Get off the / M.T.V. Get off the / M.T.V. Get off the air / Get off the air / See the latest rejects from the muppet show / Wag their tits and their dicks / As they lip-synch on screen / There's something I don't like / About a band that always smiles / Another tax write-off / For some schmuck who doesn't care / (Chorus) / And so it was / Our beloved corporate gods / Claimed they created rock video / Allowing it to sink as low in one year / As commercial TV has in 25 / It's the new frontier, they say / It's wide open, anything can happen / But you've got a lot of nerve / To call yourself a pioneer / when you're too god-damned conservative / To take real chances / Tin-eared / Graph-paper brained accountants / Instead of music fans / Call all the shots at giant record companies now / The lowest common denominator rules / Forget honesty / Forget creativity / The dumbest buy the mostest / That's the name of the game / But sales are slumping / And no one will say why / Could it be they put out / One too many lousy records?!? / M.T.V. Get off the air / NOW!
If your machine might slip a gear / Push this button to help it clear / Your time card says that your name's Joe / But we'll call you 6-3-0 / Chorus: I'm working at my job / I'm so happy / More boring by the day / But they pay me / All that time spent going to school / Just to end up following the rules / (Chorus) / Now it's time to take a break / Don't stray too far or you'll be late / Thank you for your service and a long career / Glad you gave us your best years / (Chorus)
Finally got to Washington in the middle of the night / I couldn't wait / I headed straight for the Capitol Mall / My heart began to pound / Yahoo! It really exists / The American International Pictures logo / I looked up at that Capitol building / Couldn't help but wonder why / I felt like saying, Hello, old friend / Walked up the hill to touch it / Then I unzipped my pants / And pissed on it when nobody was looking / Like a great eternal Klansman / With his two flashing red eyes / Turn around, he's always watching / The Washington monument pricks the sky / With flags for pubic hair ringed round the bottom / The symbols of our heritage / Lit up proudly in the night / Somehow fits to see the homeless people / Passed out on the lawn / So this is where it all happens / The power games and bribes / All lobbying for a piece of ass / Of the stars and stripes of corruption / Makes me feel so ashamed / To be an American / When we're too stick up to learn from our mistakes / Trying to start another Viet Nam / While fiddling while Rome burns at home / The Boss says, You're laid off. Blame the Japanese / America's back, all right / At the game it plays the worst / Strip mining the world like a slave plantation / No wonder others hate us / And the Hitlers we hand-pick / To bleed their people dry / For our evil empire / The drug we're fed / To make us like it / Is God and country with a bang / People we know who should know better / Howl, America rules. Let's go to war! / Business scams are what's worth dying for / Are the Soviets our worst enemy? / We're destroying ourselves instead / Who cares about our civil rights / As long as I get paid? / The blind Me Generation / Doesn't care if life's a lie / So easily used, so proud to enforce / The stars and stripes of corruption / Let's bring it tall down! / Tell me who's the real patriots / The Archie Bunker slobs waning flags? / Or the people with the guts to work / For some real change / Rednecks and bombs don't make us strong / We loot the world, yet we can't even feed ourselves / Our real test of strength is caring / Not the war toys we sell the world / Just carry on, thankful to be farmed like worms / Old glory for a blanket / As you suck on your thumbs / Real freedom scares you / Cause it means responsibility / So you chicken out and threaten me / Saying, Love it or leave it / I'll get beat up if I criticize it / You say you'll fight to the death / To save your useless flag / If you want a banana republic that bad / Why don't you go move to one / But what can just one of us do - / Against all that money and power / Trying to crush us into roaches? / We don't destroy society in a day / Until we change ourselves first / From the inside out / We can start by not trying so much / And treating other people like dirt / It's easy not to base our lives / On how much we can scam / And you know / It feels good to life that monkey off our backs / I'm thankful I live in a place / Where I can say the things I do / Without being taken out and shot / So I'm on guard against the goons / Trying to take my rights away / We've got to rise above the need for cops and laws / Let kids learn communication / Instead of schools pushing competition / How about more art and theater instead of sports? / People will always do drugs / Let's legalize them / Crime drops when the mob can't price them / Budget's in the red? / Let's tax religion / No one will do it for us / We'll just have to fix it ourselves / Honesty ain't all that hard / Just put Rambo back inside your pants / Causing trouble for the system is much more fun / Thank you for the toilet paper / But your flag is meaningless to me / Look around, we're all people / Who needs countries anyway? / Our land, I love it too / I think I love it more than you / I care enough to fight / The stars and stripes of corruption / Let's bring it all down! / If we don't try / If we just lie / If we can't find / A way to do better than this / Who will?
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