Bane : 6:58 Am Boston

So this is it
Here it is, moment of truth
The one you've always heard about
Everything around you stops to hold its breath
And your heart slows to a thump
There's a lion in your gut (you've got to listen)
Lying still in you for so long (you've got to listen)
Lifts his head so seldom and you have got to listen
Cause when he wakes he roars and its your time to shine
Do not hesitate do not fucking wait
Let all those yesterdays, all those bloody days
Pile up to clutter your way
You're the Rocky movie
You're that Nike add
Balls in your court
And everything before has led you right fucking here
Sum total of every decision that you have ever made
Sum total of every blow you've had to fade
So make you're move
Take that shot
Be the ball
This moment will define you
Live, learn, rise, fall, point, squeeze
We were not awarded bones simply to weigh down our graves
So ring out, baby, ring out
The wind will break your fall
The rush will pick you up
You shut your ugly mouth
Raise your hand to offer up a lie
That I would not be dead caught wrapped in
All calm and justified like you're not
So scared that you can barely open your eyes
If there's a Hell I'll get there soon enough
Not trying to lie and wait for it
I didn't find God and he didn't come looking for me
But someone showed me Minor Threat
And that was plenty good enough for me
Flipping coins just to get by
Laying it all on the line
So catch me if you can
You think that you can save me
But I've been on the fade for so long
That I can't even find me
I've held onto old codes of honor
Like the captain to a sinking ship
The world moved and rolled its eyes
But there are some things that are worse than dying
It's always been my way to over romanticize
Cuz when I was young I had a hard time
With what was real and fantasized
The world moved on and did its thing
And I tried and I tried
But could not stop being that boy
And nothing turned out quite like they told me
I will believe in dragons for as long as I run with dragons
While these bodies keep piling up
But there are some things that are worse than dying
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