Toby Keith : Clancy's Tavern

My old man's that old man,
Spent his life livin' off the land,
Dirty hands, and a clean soul.
It breaks his heart seein' foreign cars,
Filled with fuel that isn't ours
And wearin' cotton we didn't grow
He's got the red, white, and blue flyin' high on the farm
Semper Fi tattooed on his left arm
Spend a little more in the store for a tag in the back that says ‘USA’
He won't buy nothin' that he can't fix,
With WD40 and a Craftsman wrench
He ain't prejudiced, he's just made in America
He loves his wife and she’s that wife
That decorates on the Fourth of July
But says 'Every day's Independence Day'
She's golden rule, teaches school,
Some folks say it isn't cool
But she says the Pledge of Allegiance anyway.
Born in the Heartland, raised up a family
Of King James and Uncle Sam
Made in America
Made in America
My old man's that old man,
He's made in America
I need to hear a melody
The sad with three part harmony
A bar room jukebox symphony
I need to hear a melody
I need to hear a song that's blue
Enough to break a heart in two
After what you put me through
I need to hear a song that's blue
Yeah make it lonely
When you do it
I'll know somebody else
Have just been through it
Instead of hurting by myself
Man I'll just sing along
I need to hear a loser crying
Songs about a love that's dying
Lyin' cheatin' to the bone
Three chord stone cold country song
I need to hear a drinking tune
With cowboys howling at the moon
And some swinging lonesome moon
I need to hear a drinking tune
Yeah make it lonely
When you do it
I'll know somebody else
Have just been through it
Instead of hurting by myself
Man I'll just sing along
I need to hear a loser crying
Songs about a love that's dying
Lyin' cheatin' to the bone
Three chord stone cold country song
Yeah country song
Three chord stone cold country song
Any minute the five o'clock crowd will be coming
Taps will be flowing with beer
The cigarette smoke soon to be rising
And at 5:30 Clancy gets here
She knows all their faces
She's practically raised them
And that's why they're loyal and true
They'll pay their tabs
And that pays the light bill
And she keeps a glass full of brew
And the welders and the drivers
And the old nine to fivers
And the regular Joe's of the world
Are singing, here's to you, Clancy
And your neighborhood tavern
Pour me another, my girl
There's a waitress named Lilly
Shows up at 7
To make sure the service is great
And there's a black dude named Elmo
That cooks in the kitchen
Burgers and chicken fried stake
Here round 9 o'clock the band will start playing
And the music will fill up the air
And they'll take a break every 45 minutes
And the jukebox takes over from there
It's 1:35 last call's upon us
It's time to settle a score
Won't you call me a cab and bring me a tab
And while you're at it bring me one more
She's cleaned the last table
And shined up the bar
It's late and everyone's gone
Then she'll cock her pistol
And count all her money
And drive that old Chrysler back home
Have a good night sleep, Clancy
In your neighborhood tavern
We'll see you tomorrow, my girl
If women come a dime a dozen, I ain’t got a penny
Some guys are gettin’ way too much, some guys don’t get any
But if I had a nickel for every time I’d had enough
I’d still be busted and heartbroken still be tryin’ to fall in love
I fell in love with Linda she didn’t love me back
I went crazy over Chrissy, she went crazy over Jack
Maria down in Mexico, my Spanish Mona Lisa
Tried to fly her back to Texas but she did not have a visa
If women come a dime a dozen, I ain’t got a penny
Some guys are gettin’ way too much, some guys don’t get any
But if I had a nickel for every time I’d had enough
I’d still be busted and heartbroken still be tryin’ to fall in love
Bought Renee a dozen roses, all she did was make me beg
Displayed my love for Donna with a tattoo on my leg
There’s a tree where me and Carla carved our names with a pocket knife
But like our love it burned down with a lightning strike
If women come a dime a dozen, I ain’t got a penny
Some guys are gettin’ way too much, some guys don’t get any
But if I had a nickel for every time I’d had enough
I’d still be busted and heartbroken still be tryin’ to fall in love
Why does everybody say there’s lots of fish out in the sea?
When I’m swimming after women they’re all laid up on the beach
If women come a dime a dozen, I ain’t got a penny
Some guys are gettin’ way too much, some guys don’t get any
But if I had a nickel for every time I’d had enough
I’d still be busted and heartbroken still be tryin’ to fall in love
Yeah busted and heartbroken still be tryin’ to fall in love
Just another sundown, Just another bar stool,
Just another place where a fool can find another fool,
Just another slow dance with just another she ain't you
Just another chance of feeling better than I really do
There was a time you told me you'd love me forever
But baby didn't forever get here fast
Just another midnight, Just another cigarette
Waitin' on the "it's gonna be alright" that hasn't got here yet
Yeah there was a time you told me you'd love me forever
But baby didn't forever get here fast
Just another closing time, Just another shot before
Just another long ride home that don't feel like home anymore
I had a hand me down ride painted rattle can red
Second hand tires with poor boy tread
Made a lot of almost love in the bed of that
Truck that got stuck a lot
Just letter jacket boys singing Jerry Jeff songs
Drinking everything we could get our hands on
Learning ‘bout right by doin’ it wrong
Hopin’ we didn’t get caught
And we spent what little bit of money we had
On wintergreen Skoal and main street gas
Go get your girl, go make the drag
If you’re lucky you can take her cross the rail road tracks
Where the man in the moon works his magic
On the second runner up of the 4H pageant
Seems like yesterday, even though
That was fourteen hundred and fifty two beers ago
Skipped that town on my birthday
For eighteen years I was headed that way
Where old red stopped I just stayed
In a room without a view
I met a one look girl in a two bit bar
I had a place, she had a car
I won her heart with my guitar
I sang her the homesick blues ‘bout
Spendin’ what little bit of money we had
On wintergreen Skoal and main street gas
Go get your girl, go make the drag
If you’re lucky you can take her cross the railroad tracks
Where the man in the moon works his magic
On the second runner up of the 4H pageant
It seems like yesterday, even though
That was fifteen hundred and sixty two beers ago
Spendin’ what little bit of money we had
On wintergreen Skoal and main street gas
And go get your girl and go make the drag
If you’re lucky you can take her cross the railroad tracks
Where the man in the moon works his magic
On the second runner up of the 4H pageant
It seems like yesterday, even though
That was sixteen hundred and fifty two beers
A whole lot of highway, a whole lot of years
Sixteen hundred and fifty three beers ago
Sailed out of Biscayne Bay
Headed for the island
No map, no plans, no place to be
One broken heart to fix
So many memories
One photograph of you and me
I may be somewhere east of nowhere
Somewhere west of a town
That sits just north of an unknown latitude
I will sail this ship forever
Till I reach peace of mind
Live my life somewhere south of you
I’ve heard you say a thousand times
I’d never be a sailor
Yeah that’s one thing that I may never be
When a pirate makes his mind up
And it don’t care where he’s going
He’ll find a wind and ride out on the sea
I will sail my ship forever
Till I reach peace of mind
Live my life somewhere south of you
She was a dancer at the Club Zydeco Moon
An all night social house and all day saloon
She had the face and body, the devil’s own desire
Her lips were full and sugar sweet as blackberry wine
She danced around my table
Flashin’ gris-gris eyes at me
Swayin’ to the tempo of a squeezebox melody
She reached down and snatched the folded money from my fist
So easy to give into and too hard to resist
She did her business underneath the candle light
Always aware of Mama Zuzu’s watchful eye
How many young boys have lost their innocence
Turned into old men wonderin’ where their money went
What happened 20 years ago seem like yesterday
I don’t drive through that part of town, I go the other way
She still dances through my bedroom every time I go to sleep
To the rhythm of the music that the squeezebox player keeps
I smell the incense burning Mama Zuzu’s cigarette
Louisiana heat wave and the midnight summer sweat
Somewhere down that alley there’s an old run down saloon
And she’s waiting there for me at Club Zydeco Moon
She danced around my table
Flashin’ gris-gris eyes at me
Swayin’ to the tempo of a squeezebox melody
She reached down and snatched the folded money from my fist
So easy to give into and too hard to resist
She was a dancer…
Pressed my lips on your sun-burnt skin
On a road by the river bend
Standing underneath the dead end sign
We swam around underneath the moon
And danced around a Bob Seger tune
And finished up a bottle of home-made wine
I never had to write a girl a song
Had a woman stay this long
And now you're moving in
And I'm alright with that
I ain't got a pot of gold
Girl I ain't even got a rainbow
But I've heard that love is where
Treasure can be found
Don't expect too much from me
And I won't let you down
Never been ashamed of the clothes I wear
I've never been a nickel millionaire
Never even bought myself a truck
I spent most of my life in a smoky bar
Playing country blues on box guitar
And I've done alright
You can call that luck
Never had to write a girl a song
Or had a woman stay this long
And now you're moving in
And I'm alright with that
Never had to write a girl a song
Had a woman stay this long
And now you're moving in
And I'm alright with that
Don't expect too much from me
And I won't let you down
I won't let you down
I won't let you down
I won't let you down
I won't let you down, baby
Now red solo cup is the best receptacle
From barbecues, tailgates, fairs and festivals
And you sir do not have a pair of testicles
If you prefer drinkin' from glass
Hey red solo cup is cheap and disposable
In fourteen years they are decomposable
And unlike my home they are not foreclosable
Freddie Mac can kiss my ass, woo!
Red solo cup, I fill you up
Let's have a party, let's have a party
I love you red solo cup, I lift you up,
Proceed to party, proceed to party
Now I really love how you're easy to stack
But I really hate how you're easy to crack
Cause when beer runs down, in front of my pack
Well, that, my friends, is quite yucky
But I have to admit that the ladies get smitten
Admirin' at how sharply my first name is written
On you with a Sharpie when I get to hittin'
On them, to help me get lucky
Now I've seen you in blue and I've seen you in yellow
But only you red will do for this fellow
Cause you are the Abbott into my Costello
And you are the Fruit to my Loom
Red solo cup, you're more than just plastic
More than amazing, you're more than fantastic
And believe me that I'm not the least bit sarcastic
When I look at you and say:
"Red solo cup, you're not just a cup (No, no, God no)
You're my friend, yea (Lifelong)
Thank you for being my friend"
High tide’s up
And the water’s coming in on the shore
Usually wait until vacation
But I sure can’t take this city anymore
Work’s been hell
And that rush hour traffic’s never been a breeze
Ain’t no hustle where I’m goin’
Just a warm trade wind a blowin’ through the trees
I don’t need no sympathy
That won’t bring satisfaction
Just need to charge my battery
Had a bad reaction
Gonna do my best to decompress…
I could fire up my ol’ motorcycle
And head up to the country where it’s green
Maybe head up to Montana
But there’s something about the ocean that’s serene
Fifteen hundred miles
Still got seven hundred left to do
But it don’t seem like forever
When you know that you’re outrunnin’ the blues
There’s a worm in the bottle and Wild Shot on the table
With some salt and lime and some mezcal maybe I’ll be able
To find my paradise, put this broken world on ice…
High tide’s up
And the water’s coming in on the shore
I usually wait until vacation
But I just can’t take this city anymore
Well, I'm sick and tired of wakin' up sick and tired
As of today there's gonna be some changes made
Well you might as well keep your feet on the ground
Girl I won't stand still for your movin' around.
It's high time you quit your lowdown ways
Any talk you talk I hear over town
Is that really true girl that you just wanna jump up and down.
Hell, the word as well as I can recall
Everywhere you've been you've been the belle of the ball
It's high time you quit your lowdown ways.
I remember one time now way back down on the farm
My daddy had a dominiker hen but she wouldn't stay home
Damn, she could fly higher than a jet airplane
But not after daddy clipped her little ol' wings
It's high time you quit your lowdown ways.
Well, I'm sick and tired of wakin' up sick and tired
As of today there's gonna be some changes made
Well you might as well keep your feet on the ground
Girl I won't stand still for your movin' around.
It's high time you quit your lowdown ways
Honey it's high time you quit your lowdown ways
I stopped at a road house in Texas
A little place called Hamburger Dan's
I put a quarter in the jukebox
Play the Truck Drivin' Man
The waitress she poured me some coffee
I thanked her and called her back again
I said this song sure does fit me
Cause I'm a truck drivin' man
Pour me another cup of coffee
For it is the best in the land
I'll put a quarter in the jukebox
And play the Truck Drivin' Man
I climbed up inside my old semi
And then like a flash I was gone
I had them old wheels rollin'
I'm on my way to San Antone
And play the Truck Drivin' Man
Wash away my trouble, wash away my pain
With the rain of Shambala
Wash away my sorrow, wash away my shame
With the rain of Shambala
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Everyone is helpful, everyone is kind
On the road to Shambala
Everyone is lucky, everyone is so kind
On the road to Shambala
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala?
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala?
I can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
I can tell my brother by the flowers in his eyes
On the road to Shambala
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala?
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala?
How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala?
(Tell me) How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala?
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, Shambala
Ah, ooh ooh oo oo ooh ooh yeah, road to Shambala
Long distance information, give me Memphis Tennessee
Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
She did not leave her number, but I know who placed the call
My uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall
Help me, information, get in touch with my Marie
She's the only one who'd call me here from Memphis Tennessee
Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi Bridge
Last time I saw Marie she was waving me good-bye
She had hurry home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
And broke apart our happy home in Memphis Tennessee
Help me, information, more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss that girl and all the fun we had
Marie was only six years old, information please
Try to put me through to her in Memphis Tennessee
I said, help me, information, more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss that girl and all the fun we had
Marie was only six years old, information please
Try to put me through to her in Memphis Tennessee
lyrics added by weiss5 - Modify this lyrics