Aphrodite's Child : 666

Disque 1 :
1. The System
We found the system
To found the system
We found the system
To found the system
2. Babylon
Fallen fallen fallen
Is Babylon the Great !
Space is getting bounded,
Time is getting late !
Masters fall and wonder,
People rise and wait.
Fallen fallen fallen
Is Babylon the GRat !
You don't need a coin,
I Don't have to shine,
We don't know the reason.
But I need you madly
an tou need me too,
And we need each other ...
3. Loud, Loud, Loud
The day the walls of the citys
Will crumble away
Uncovering our naked souls,
We'll all start singing,
Shoutin, screaming
Loud, loud, loud, loud.
The day the circus horses
Will stop turning around.
Running fast through the green walleys,
we'll sing and cry and shout
Loud, loud, loud, loud.
The day the cars will lay in heaps
Their wheels turning in vain,
We'll run along the empty highways
Shouting, sceaming, singing
Loud, loud, loud, loud.
The day young boy will stop
Becoming soldiers, and soldiers
Will stop playing war games,
We'll sing and cry and shout
Loud, loud, loud, loud.
The day will come up
That we'll all wake up
Hearing the shouts of joy
And shouting together with the freaks
Loud, loud, loud, loud.
The day the world will turn upside down
We'll run together round and round
Screaming, shouting, singing
Loud, loud, loud, loud.
4. The Four Horsemen
And when the lamb
Opened the first seal,
I saw the first Horse,
The Horseman held a bow.
Now when the lamb
Opened the second seal,
I saw the second Horse.
The Horseman held a sword.
The leading Horse is white,
The second Horse il red,
The third one is a black.
The last one is a green.
And when the lamb
Opened the third seal,
I saw the third Horse,
The Horseman had a balance.
Now when the lamb
Opened the fourth seal,
I saw the fourth Horse.
The Horseman was the Pest.
5. The Lamb
6. The Seventh Seal
And when the Lamb
Opened the next two seals,
We saw the souls,
We saw the martyrs,
We heared them crying,
We heared tjem shouting,
They were dressed in white,
They'd been told to wait.
The sun was black,
The moon was red,
The stars were falling,
The earth was trembling.
And then a crowd
Impossible to number
Carrying flowers,
Shouted amid
The hotless sun
The lightless moon
The windless earth
The coulourless sky :
"How much longer
Will we suffer from hunger ?
How much longer
Will we suffer from thirst ?"
And when the lamb
Opened the seventh seal,
Silence covered the sky.
7. Aegian Sea
I saw the soul
I saw the martyrs
i heared them crying
I heared them shouting
They were dressed in white
They've been told to wait.
The sun was black
The moon was red
The stars were falling
The earth was trembling.
And them a crowd
Impossible to number
Carriyng palms
Shouted amid
The hotless sun
The lightess moon
The windless eath
The colourless sky...
They'll no more suffer
From hunger,
They'll o more suffer
From thirst.
8. Seven Bowls
The first bowl on the earth
The second bowl on the sea
The third bowl on the rivers
The fourth bowl on the sun
The fifth bowl on the Beast
The siwth bowl on the stars
The seventh bown on the air.
And the earth turned grey
The sea turned black
The rivers turned red
The sun turned cold
The Beast turned pale
The stars turned fast
The air turned to poson
9. The wakening beast
10. Lament
Alas alas
For the humain race
For the kings
Of separation...
of separa.., separation
11. The marching Beast
12. The Battle of the Locusts
13. Do It
14. Tribulation
15. The Beast
Who can find
The Beast ?
She's big,
She's bad,
She's wicked,
She's sad...
Who can fight
the Beast ?
She comes,
She goes,
Who ever
Who can fight
The Beast ?
16. Ofis
Exelthe ofi katiramene,
Dhioti an dhen exelthe essy,
Tha se exelthe ego!
Ou! Ou! Ou!
Disque 2 :
1. Seven Trumpets
Seven trumpets
The souind of thunder !
Seven trumpets
The threatening anger !
Seven trumpets
The trembling voice !
Seven trumpets
You got no choice !
Seven trumpets
The seven angels !
Seven trumpets
The music changes !
2. Altamont
This is the sight
We had one day
On the High Mountain
We saw a lanm with seven eyes
We saw a beast with seven seals.
Seven angels with seven trumpets
And seven bowls filled with anger.
Those are the pictures
Of what was
Of what is
Of what is to come.
We are the people
The rolling people
The why peple
The waiting people
The wanting poeple
The tambourine people
The alternative people
The angel people
3. The Wedding of the Lamb
4. The Capture of the Beast
5. Infinity
I was
I am
I am to come
I was
I am
I am to come I was
I am
6. Hic and Nunc
Here and now !
Here and now !
Fixing the ceiling
I got a felling
- Sing it again !
Show me the season,
Give me the reason
- Sing it again !
Here and now !
Here and now !
Whisper a meaning,
Nobody's leadin
- Sing it again !
I got a felling
Somebody's missing
- Sing it Again !
7. All the Seats Were Occupied
Ladies and gentlemen
Seven trumpets
the sound of thunder! (we got the system)
Seven trumpets (to fuck the system)
the trembling voice! (We got the system)
Seven trumpets (to fuck the system)
the threatening anger! (we got the system)
Seven trumpets (to fuck the system)
the trembling voice! (we got the system)
Seven trumpets (to fuck the system)
You got no choice! (we got the system)
Seven trumpets (The leading horse is white)
the seven angels! (the second horse is red)
the seven trumpets (the third one is a black,)
the music changes! (the last one is a green)
The leading horse is white
the second horse is red
the third one is a black,
the last one is a green
The leading horse is white
the second horse is red
the third one is a black,
the last one is a green
[Exelthe ofi katiramene,
dhioti an dhen exelthe essy,
tha se exelthe ego!
Ou! Ou! Ou!....]
I am
I am to come
I was
I am
I am to come I was
I am
And the earth turned grey
the sea turned black
the rivers turned red
the sun turned cold
the Beast turned pale
the stars turned fast
the air turned to poison
I am, I am to come, I was I am to come I was
I am, I am to come, I was
I am (The leading horse is white)
I am to come (the second horse is red)
I was (the third one is a black,)
I am (the last one is a green)
Seven trumpets (to fuck the system)
the trembling voice! (we got the system)
Seven trumpets (to fuck the system)
You got no choice! (we got the system)
Seven trumpets
the seven angels!
We are the people
the rolling people
the why people
the waiting people
the wanting people
the tambourine people
the alternative people
the angel people
We are the people
the rolling people
the why people
the waiting people
the wanting people
the tambourine people
the alternative people
the angel people
Exelthe ofi katiramene,
dhioti an dhen exelthe essy,
tha se exelthe ego!
Ou! Ou! Ou!....
I am, I am to come, I was
All the seats were occupied
8. Break
Bye bye, my friend, goodbye
With a lie
you forget and break it
You make it
You make it
You make it
You make it
Cry in my empty room
and we try
to forget and break it
and then
you make it
Bye bye, my friend, goodbye
With a lie
you forget and break it
You make it
You make it
You make it
You make it
Do it!
lyrics added by abigael - Modify this lyrics