Yes Stage' 98

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Band Name Yes
Album Name Yes Stage' 98
Type Bootleg
Released date 26 March 1998
Labels Highland
Music StyleSymphonic Prog
Members owning this album1


Recorded live at Sala Kongresowa, Congresshouse, Warsaw, Poland, 26/03/1998
1. Firebird Suite
2. Siberian Khatru
3. Rhythm of Love
4. America
5. Open Your Eyes
6. And You and I
7. Heart of the Sunrise
8. Mood for a Day
9. Diary of a Man Who Vanished
1. The Clap
2. From the Balcony
3. Wonderous Stories
4. Change the World
5. Long Distance Runaround / Whitefish
6. Owner of a Lonely Heart
7. I've Seen All Good People
8. Revealing Science of God

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